Now even the Bank of England admits greedflation is a thing | Phillip Inman | The Guardian
#greedflation #boe #bankofengland #threadneedlestreet #unite #greedflationcrisis
I am happy to report that we are now 2/3 of the way to our postcard stamp drive goal! Thanks to all who shared and supported us. 💙💙💙
#NewJersey #BOE #publicschools
From: @PamelaBarroway
#publicschools #boe #NewJersey
@remcow Je telling klopt niet, chef. Want mijn reactie ging niet over je sticker, maar over de telling. En iedereen weet dat Mastodon de supergoedste is en dat Bloeskaai weer zo'n satansgewrocht is van de surveillancekapitalisten. #boe #fuckSilliconValley
In the 1990s, a hot new idea for turning around big cities was putting #mayors in charge of the public #schools. That’s how Chicago, NYC, Boston and other cities ended up with mayors and not school boards setting goals and appointing superintendents. And today? Mayors are giving up control. Turns out, it’s harder to run schools than, say, a public works dept. And bad as school boards are, voters prefer them. #BOE
La ajedrecista iraní que se negó a jugar con velo ya es española.
#derechoshumano #derechos #feminismos #ajedrez #boe #civio
El Gobierno retira la medalla al mérito en el trabajo a Franco y ocho altos cargos de la dictadura
Gizmodo: OnePlus May Be Delaying Its Foldable for a Samsung Display Upgrade #motorolarazrcellularphone #foldablesmartphones #technologyinternet #foldablesmartphone #samsungdisplay #motorolarazr #mobilephones #hasselblad #smartphone #maxjambor #oneplus2 #oneplusx #oneplus #samsung #folding #google #boe
#motorolarazrcellularphone #foldablesmartphones #technologyinternet #foldablesmartphone #samsungdisplay #motorolarazr #mobilephones #hasselblad #smartphone #maxjambor #oneplus2 #oneplusx #oneplus #samsung #folding #google #boe
Massenproduktion des iPhone 15 Displays beginnt: Probleme mit Periskop-Linse
Apple ist berüchtigt für seine Geheimhaltung hinsichtlich des Produktentwic
#iPhone #News #Apple #BOE #DesignValidationTest #DynamicIsland #EngineeringValidationTest #Industrienormen #IPhone15 #LG #Lieferkette #Massenproduktion #PeriskopLinse #ProductValidationTest #SamsungDisplay #Teleobjektivlinse
#iphone #News #Apple #boe #designvalidationtest #dynamicisland #engineeringvalidationtest #industrienormen #iphone15 #lg #lieferkette #massenproduktion #periskoplinse #productvalidationtest #samsungdisplay #teleobjektivlinse
The S.D. school board has voted unanimously on every single item that has come before it this year, even the controversial ones. Since 2020 only four votes haven’t been 5-0. Is this unanimity the sign of a board that’s aligned on principles and unwilling to grandstand … or is it suspicious? The members explain what’s behind this era of good feelings. #BOE
Decades of studies of corporate CEOs show that the ones hired from within do better, on average, than those recruited from outside. There are exceptions, of course. But the aim of every corporation should be to identify and train future executives from within. Why hasn’t this occurred to school boards, which love to parachute superintendents into their midst, often accompanied by entire teams, that will up and leave one day? #BOE
L'Eurozona sta perdendo contro l'inflazione. Europa a rischio stagflazione: l’analisi di Hsbc. Il centro ricerche del colosso bancario indivia i pericoli dell’Eurozona legarti a recessione, inflazione, alti tassi d’interesse e mercato dell’occupazione fermo.
Un inusuale mix fra la tanto temuta stagflazione – termine che indica la contemporaneità di stagnazione (mancata crescita economica) e inflazione.
#bce #BoE #eurozona #Hsbc #stagflazione
#bce #boe #Eurozona #hsbc #stagflazione
Gizmodo: We Might Finally See an OLED MacBook Pro by 2025 #universaldisplaycorporation #emergingtechnologies #samsungelectronics #technologyinternet #displaytechnology #cupertinocompany #samsungdisplay #choonghoonyi #macbookpro #mingchikuo #appleinc #macbook #samsung #iphone #oled #ipad #boe #lg
#universaldisplaycorporation #emergingtechnologies #samsungelectronics #technologyinternet #displaytechnology #cupertinocompany #samsungdisplay #choonghoonyi #macbookpro #mingchikuo #appleinc #macbook #samsung #iphone #oled #ipad #boe #lg
Publicada en el BOE la compensación a propietarios por la suspensión de los desahucios #AFC_News #AFColegiado #Propietariosviviendas #Marketnavigator #Desahucios #Gobierno #Vivienda #BOE
#afc_news #afcolegiado #propietariosviviendas #marketnavigator #desahucios #gobierno #vivienda #boe
LIVE: #EZB-Forum!
Mit EZB #Lagarde, #Fed Powell, #BoE Bailey, #BoJ Ueda:
#notenbank #geldpolitik #borse #BoJ #boe #fed #lagarde #ezb
Why is #BoE's/Govt.'s favoured instrument to fight #inflation, #interestrates, having less impact than was expected?
Well one factor is the mechanism of transfer into the economy, via #mortgage rates.
The problem is more people (around 35% of UK population) now own their dwelling outright - so are unaffected by rate changes for mortgages...
as are (in the short term), those on fixed rate mortgages, until the reach the end of their fixed period.
Time for another better formulated policy!
#boe #Inflation #interestrates #mortgage
The forthcoming #BoE engineered recession, driven by the impact of its #interestrates policy on the #mortgage repayments of millions, may do one interesting thing in UK #Politics.. it may end the period when the #Tories have been able use #culturewars their devastating impact on #voters #economic well-being....
for many the material effects will get much worse in the next months & should (finally) concentrate minds on the economic effects of the #Tories;
#boe #interestrates #mortgage #politics #tories #culturewars #voters #economic #gtto
The most important political economic Q. for the UK right now is how deep a #recession is the #BoE (& by extension the #Tories) prepared to engineer to 'tame inflation'?
As usual, those paying the price to reduce inflation, through the #Costoflivingcrisis & a descent into #poverty, are not the same people saying the 'price is worth paying'.
Using only #interestrates to deal with inflation is a political choice taken by those who have a clear notion of how to protect the interests of the rich!
#recession #boe #tories #Costoflivingcrisis #poverty #interestrates
If you've a #mortgage or other (variable rate repayment) #debt, if you thought this week was bad, investors & other #financialservices market participants are already betting the #BoE will need to raise rates further, possible to 6.5%;
of course this may not come to pass, but if you're already at the limit of what is possible, then there's a distinct likelihood its going to get worse...
And even if you switch to an interest only repayment regime for a while, the capital debt will be growing!
#mortgage #debt #financialservices #boe