@securescientist Transport Minister #Wissing had announced there'll be major repair and apparently also expansion projects to the railway system throughout the country from 2024 onwards.
Major delays are to be expected. Sueddeutsche Zeitung had a short-ish article about it a few months back.
What's necessary until CO2zero: fix mobility rations. Not rationing per price as it is now in the utterly misguided and inadequate socioeconomic system – but per capita.
Without exceptions.
People need to learn what it means to live on a finite planet with finite resources – and people in Global North had all the fun up to now, splurging currently on more than 4 times too much resource use.
You can read here which rations – mobility rations as well – fit into planetary boundaries in Global North and Global South, in rural and urban areas, land and air transport: https://www.boell.de/en/2020/12/09/societal-transformation-scenario-staying-below-15degc
It used to be a model scenario for near 1.5°C but isn't anymore. The Carbon Clock is ticking. ..So while reading this highly recommended paper, adjust their figures for kilometres, heated living space etc. downward in your mind.
The neoliberal #Bertelsmannstiftung has a brand new paper out this month in which they suggest a climate credit card that also covers kilometre rations. IIRC their figure is 5000km/per capita/year. Which is roughly what the paper by #Boellstiftung suggests for rural population.
But being of the neoliberal church, Bertelsmannstiftung disregards planetary boundaries and a fix CO2 budget, and they say that more kilometres can "of course" be purchased but at a higher price...🤦♀️ When will they ever learn...
Blind ignorants – or deliberate disregard due to sociopathy? I'm always unsure with neoliberals.
#Degrowth #rationing #ration #Neoliberal
#wissing #bertelsmannstiftung #boellstiftung #degrowth #rationing #ration #neoliberal
Veranstaltung der #boellstiftung über Spionagesoftware per, ratet mal, genau: #Zoom
🤦🏼♂️🤦🏼♂️ 🤦🏼♂️
Podcast: Der Mooratlas zum Hören
#podcast #boellstiftung #klima #klimakrise #landwirtschaft #transformation
#mooratlas #podcast #boellstiftung #klima #klimakrise #landwirtschaft #transformation
RT @boell_stiftung: Die #boellstiftung wurde heute in #Russland als „unerwünschte, ausländische Organisation“ eingestuft. Damit sind unkalkulierbare Strafandrohungen für russische Staatsbürger*innen verbunden, die offiziell Verbindungen zu uns haben – innerhalb und außerhalb Russlands. #Putin
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JanAlbrecht/status/1528777445142323201
#boellstiftung #Russland #Putin