US Interior Department's #BOEM completes its environmental review of the proposed Empire Wind Farm Project offshore #NewYork, which the bureau estimates could power 700,000+ homes.
#WindFarm Off #NewJersey Coast Wins Biden’s Approval as Locals Balk
Under Interior Department’s approval, as many as 98 #windturbines and three #offshorewind substations could be installed about 13nm southeast of #AtlanticCity, with power cables coming ashore in #OceanCounty and #CapeMay County. According to the #BOEM, the project is estimated to have a generating capacity of 1.1GW, capable of powering more than 380,000 homes over the opposition of some local residents.
#windfarm #newjersey #windturbines #Offshorewind #atlanticcity #oceancounty #capemay #boem
#BOEM has issued a final environmental assessment on potential impacts from offshore #windpower leasing on the US Outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico, a key milestone towards the potential first-ever offshore wind lease sale in the Gulf.
Zondagmiddag 29 januari brengt dichtgroep ‘De Alpejagers’ haar programma ‘BOEM! Paukeslag’ in de boekhandel van Kramer & Van Doorn met een klankspel van menselijke stemmen een ode aan de Vlaamse dichter Paul van Ostaijen.
#zeist #zeistermagazine #kramervandoorn #dichter #boekhandel #klankspel #boem
#boem #klankspel #boekhandel #dichter #kramervandoorn #zeistermagazine #zeist
@sarae Ok, so your unstated answer to my question “Sara, are you talking about #offshorewind developers with #BOEM approved construction and operation plan?” Is “no.” Since the #BOEM process is already what you say is “needed”, I hope you can understand why @croselund and I were confused. I’m not an expert on small land based developments, so I won’t comment further.
@sarae @croselund Sara, are you talking about #offshorewind developers with #BOEM approved construction and operation plan? Or aspiring developers with two people and an idea? The former have already passed many high barriers to show they can build with min environmental damage. @croselund said we have to build things if we are going to deal with #ClimateChange. Can you give examples of why more regulation is needed in OSW? I've read many EIS and COP for OSW, and disagree.
#offshorewind #boem #ClimateChange
Excellent article on the promise of #osw contrasted with the threat of extractive resource industries on rural and indigenous communities #humboldtca #OffshoreWind #boem
#osw #humboldtca #OffshoreWind #boem
First #BOEM auction for #floatingoffshorewind of the coast California is underway. #floatingwind will be a critical part of #offshorewind globally and an area where the US can lead. Follow here:
#boem #floatingoffshorewind #floatingwind #offshorewind
Simply Blue, TotalEnergies to develop Oregon floater
Simply Blue, TotalEnergies to develop Oregon floater
Article Source:
#blue, #totalenergies, #floating, #wind, #boem, #usa, #simply, #oregon
#oregon #simply #USA #boem #wind #floating #TotalEnergies #blue
Offshore wind giants primed for 7GW US lease battle
Offshore wind giants primed for 7GW US lease battle
Article Source:
#americas, #boem, #edf, #usa, #new, #offshore, #bight, #wind
#wind #bight #offshore #new #USA #edf #boem #Americas