Frankston - hot or not?
I live in Frankston and we’re not bogans - get over it
#Melbourne #Australia #Bogan
Suspected #DrugDealer & confirmed #Bogan #ShitCunt out in the street abusing his food delivery person over the phone...
#metal #rap #altmusic #music #metal
OK thanks Spotify for capturing the very essence of my soul with your wrap of my 2022 listening habits.
I've decided my rap name is "Sad Boi Bogan".
The first track I'm dropping is "Yeah Nah"
"Yo, yo, yo S-B-B is da house, let me hear ya say yeahhhhh naaaaaaah
Naaaaaah yeah!
Yeaaaaaaaaah Nah!"
So I start the day with Sad Boi
Move into sunnier themes
And end the night spooky and hardcore.
Honestly sounds like the BEST DAY EVER am I right?
#metal #rap #altmusic #music #melbourne #australia #bogan
Learning #music especially this #bwv846 #bach #johannsebastianbach. I can’t read and play at the same time so I had to make up a spreadsheet to help me learn. Some #bogan tendencies.
#music #bwv846 #bach #johannsebastianbach #bogan