Would you like to work in the Entertainment Industry?
Hear first hand, from one of Ireland's best musicians, @mattmcgranaghan how the industry is rife with malpractice, tax evasion and #BogusSelfEmployment.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Matt McGranaghan is a #whistleblower and my friend.
Please take 2 minutes and 19 seconds to listen to this clip from Matt's podcast which you can find on tortoiseshack.ie
#whistleblower #rte #bogusselfemployment #musician
In December 2019, the Chief Appeals Officer denied the use of test cases by the Social Welfare Appeals Office to the Oireachtas SW Committee investigating #bogusselfemployment.
A complaint was made to #SIPO that the Chief Appeals Officer had deliberately misled the Oireachtas Social Welfare Committee in her denial of 'Test Cases'.
RT @williamhboney1
That @rte is neck deep in #bogusselfemployment fraud and owes a substantial bill to the state is a big problem for those who believe our national broadcaster should not be in hoc to the government of the day. https://twitter.com/RTEOne/status/1576950994549751809
RT @williamhboney1
Nobody, but nobody in this country is going to tell you exactly the game going on with this government and #bogusselfemployment but me. Nobody is as plugged into all current groups of workers involved, nobody has my track record on bring this to the public domain. They all want
RT @williamhboney1
On #InternationalWorkersMemorialDay I remember all the couriers who have been killed and injured at work and not a single incident recorded because Revenue and Dept Social Protection illegally label them as self employed thus denying them all rights.
#InternationalWorkersMemorialDay #bogusselfemployment