EBMUD is repurposing old pipelines to deliver recycled water to Alameda for irrigation, and Richard Bangert explains that it's critical to extend these lines to Alameda Point's vulnerable wetlands. "Without the supply system in place in the near future, important seasonal wetlands will likely be destroyed."
#alameda #AlamedaPoint #BoholCircleImmigrantPark #EastBayshoreRecycledWaterProject #ebmud #estuary #RestorationAdvisoryBoard #UsNavy
#alameda #alamedapoint #boholcircleimmigrantpark #eastbayshorerecycledwaterproject #ebmud #estuary #restorationadvisoryboard #USNavy
The Estuary Water Shuttle summertime pilot between West Alameda and Jack London Square has been cancelled after "a lack of clear communication," but the program will run in 2024. Ken Der also reports on proposed upgrades to Park and Webster streets following COVID-19 reorganizations.
#weta #alameda #ParkStreet #WebsterStreet #JackLondonSquare #EstuaryWaterShuttle #ActiveTransportationPlan #BoholCircleImmigrantPark #AlamedaCountyTransportationCommission
#weta #alameda #parkstreet #websterstreet #jacklondonsquare #estuarywatershuttle #activetransportationplan #boholcircleimmigrantpark #alamedacountytransportationcommission
Mouf celebrates Asian-Pacific Islander Heritage Month with a visit to the API festival Rhythmix held at Bohol Circle Immigrant Park, plus other island news in this week's Bear's-Eye View of Alameda.
#dance #music #alameda #festival #FairyDoor #sundogday #CarAccident #nasturtiums #bearseyeview #SmashAndGrab #RhythmixCulturalWorks #AsianAndPacificIslanders #BoholCircleImmigrantPark
#dance #music #alameda #festival #fairydoor #sundogday #caraccident #nasturtiums #bearseyeview #smashandgrab #rhythmixculturalworks #asianandpacificislanders #boholcircleimmigrantpark
Rhythmix Cultural Works' API Festival held Saturday May 20 at Bohol Circle Immigrant Park was a dazzling array of dancers and musicians, sound and motion. Maurice Ramirez captured the colors and the participants from the afternoon.
#dance #music #alameda #festival #PalInTheParks #RhythmixCulturalWorks #AsianAndPacificIslanders #BoholCircleImmigrantPark #AsianPacificAmericanHeritageMonth
#dance #music #alameda #festival #palintheparks #rhythmixculturalworks #asianandpacificislanders #boholcircleimmigrantpark #asianpacificamericanheritagemonth
Ken Der joined the hundreds gathered for the grand opening of Bohol Circle Immigrant Park, named to honor Filipino-Americans and celebrate immigrants of all backgrounds. Alameda's newest park is “a declaration of presence, history, and memory.”
#ARPD #Alameda #BarbaraLee #Immigrants #BoholCircle #FilipinoAmericans #MarilynEzzyAshcraft #BoholCircleImmigrantPark
#arpd #alameda #barbaralee #immigrants #boholcircle #filipinoamericans #marilynezzyashcraft #boholcircleimmigrantpark
Mouf begrudgingly celebrates squirrels with some facts about Rocky and Bullwinkle, and gets back out to enjoy walking in the sun where he sees birds, Barnhill Marina, and Bohol Circle Immigrant Park in this week's Bear's-Eye View.
#Alameda #JayWard #Sunrise #JuneForay #Squirrels #Sundogday #CrownBeach #Shorebirds #Bearseyeview #Birdwatching #RocketJSquirrel #BullwinkleJMoose #RockyAndBullwinkle #BoholCircleImmigrantPark #ElsieRoemerBirdSanctuary
#alameda #jayward #sunrise #juneforay #squirrels #sundogday #crownbeach #shorebirds #bearseyeview #birdwatching #rocketjsquirrel #bullwinklejmoose #rockyandbullwinkle #boholcircleimmigrantpark #elsieroemerbirdsanctuary