Zachary Perkins · @zperk13
6 followers · 404 posts · Server

that responded to Einstein's "God does not play dice" quote with "Einstein, don't tell God what to do", and I find this amusing

#til #bohr

Last updated 1 year ago

Ove · @Ove
267 followers · 668 posts · Server

@nichni Giv endelig an anmeldelse af filmen, når I har set den. Jeg overvejer, men blev lidt skeptisk efter anmeldelse i Politiken - men andre anmeldere mener åbenbart, at den er rigtig god. &

#oppenheimer #bohr

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Andreseloy
3 followers · 2773 posts · Server

RT @Nereide
Werner (left) with Niels at a Conference in Copenhagen in 1934.

Both (Heisenberg not yet 30) produced the Interpretation, the dominant understanding of .

Photo: , U.S. Departm. of Energy

#heisenberg #bohr #copenhagen #quantumphysics #fermilab #quantummechanics #history #Science

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
956 followers · 1921 posts · Server
eSagan 🇮🇳 · @crackurbones
103 followers · 1740 posts · Server

Lev Landau - Scientist of the Day - Linda Hall Library
In addition to his award-winning work in , he is also remembered for a scale he devised to rank 20th-century physicists. It was an exponential scale, according to which 0 was the highest possible (indeed infinite) score, followed by 1 through 5, and because the scale was logarithmic, a “1” was considered 10 times more productive than a “2”, and a “2” ten times better than a “3”. was a “1”, as were Niels and Paul and several others. was given the highest rank, a “0.5”, which made him about three times smarter, or at least more productive, than Newton and Bohr. initially ranked himself as a “2.5”, but later decided that he really deserved to be a “2” and moved himself up the scale.

#physics #newton #bohr #dirac #einstein #landau

Last updated 3 years ago

Pat · @Pat
125 followers · 2266 posts · Server

Follow up on Causality as an emergent phenomenon...

(Ref. to:

I found sources on the topic:

Causality – Complexity – Consistency:
Can Space-Time Be Based on Logic and Computation?

Causal Emergence in Quantum Mechanics

Perfect signaling among three parties
violating predefined causal order

Causality theory for closed cone structures with applications

Plus an older article, "CPT Violation Implies Violation of Lorentz Invariance" by O.W. Greenberg, which might be related to the topic.

I just found these yesterday on arXiv and really haven't vetted them much. There's more out there, mostly from the last decade or so. Not sure why I couldn't find this before -- I tried multiple times this year to find this stuff and now a week after I posted here I find a bunch of stuff. Go figure...

Some of it is about non-locality and some also on temporal non-causality like disordered cause/effect. (Some authors use the term acausality instead of non-causality.)

Also, there's a prof at U. Miss. (Luca Bombelli, with some nice reference lists:

Causality in Quantum Field Theory

Causality in Quantum Theory


Hope this useful.


#einstein #bohr #causality #spacetime #belltest #epr #paradox #light #atom #atoms #electron #proton #quark #neutron #electricity #stem #technology #cern #matter #energy #higgs #particle #Lorentz #simultaneity #lightcone #physics #qm #relativity #gravity #time #space

Last updated 3 years ago

Pat · @Pat
125 followers · 2266 posts · Server

More detail on the non-causality poll...

I'd expect adherents to quantum mechanics to choose "sometimes".

Since QM appears to introduce uncertainty (probabilistic) in place of causality (deterministic) (i.e., it moves from certainty toward randomness), I don't see why a deeper dive couldn't move entirely to randomness (non-causality).

Non-causality appears to be a generalization of nonlocality (or perhaps complimentary to it).

Because of the results of the Bell test experiments, there appears to be renewed interest in explicit theories of nonlocality (e.g., extentions of de Broglie–Bohm theory) to make QM more palatable.

I think the development of a construct for a non-causal extent with causality emergent at macroscopic levels (or emergent at the quantum/macro interface) could serve the same purpose, but I haven't been able to find anything on that.

*** Does anybody know of anyone who is working on that? ***

Here are some more hashtags to cast the net a bit wider. (feel free to comment even after the poll is complete):

#bohr #causality #belltest #atom #atoms #quark #neutron #electricity #stem #technology #cern #matter #energy #higgs #particle #lightcone #physics #qm #relativity #gravity #time #space #einstein #spacetime #epr #paradox #light #electron #proton #Lorentz #simultaneity

Last updated 3 years ago