Boil-water advisory in #RosemontLaPetitePatrie and #VilleraySaintMichelParkExtension. See affected areas and rules to follow.
#rosemontlapetitepatrie #villeraysaintmichelparkextension #boilwater #montreal
We were discussing #gasstove bans in the house today (as one does) and it occurred to us: say, in a community where electric stoves are the norm, there’s a #disaster. Power’s out. These folks can’t cook food, but they can probably eat some peanut butter or something. Now let’s say there’s also a #boilwater order. Now what do they do?
#gasstove #disaster #boilwater
the cancelation of our #BoilWater emergency alert for 2 million Houston residents was sent to every phone of the 4,500,000 resident in Harris County, but I am still gonna boil water on my stovetop because …. BUBBLES!!
* I had forgotten how cool #bubbles are
@ai6yr @bbdd333 I was just going out the door when the alert was on my Lock Screen — have been trying to add Alt-Text to graphics (which a BOT that I follow immediately notified me to edit) … it might have been nice had the original #BoilWater notice gone out over phones.
Houstonians ordered to boil water after power outage at city plant
#Houston #Water #BoilWater