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'Ex leaders in Pantene hairspray TV advert...'
It's strong,stable & thoroughly reliable...
Just like them 😁
#bojotheclown #donaldtrump #idiots #stupid #windswept #hairstyles
#hairstyles #windswept #stupid #idiots #donaldtrump #bojotheclown
I’ve never understood why people found #clarkson any kind of commentator. He is a hack at best. His caricature is similar to that of #BoJoTheClown -just as misleading. #Misogynistic, dangerous and offensive. If he genuinely has this intense hatred of a woman he has (to my knowledge never met) then he needs intervention with a Professional psychotherapist. Oh dear I’ve rather put my foot in it -is not even close to an apology -it’s a faux contrived response to his written statement.
#clarkson #bojotheclown #misogynistic
The real author of much of our current troubles. #bojotheclown #ukbudget #ukpolitics #image #ai #art
#bojotheclown #ukbudget #ukpolitics #image #ai #art
The real author of much of our current troubles. #bojotheclown #ukbudget #ukpolitics #image #ai #art
#bojotheclown #ukbudget #ukpolitics #image #ai #art
RT @FlailTv
Just gonna leave this here while the world burns down...
#COVID19 #Covid_19 #CoronaLockdown #coronavirus #douglasadams #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy #golgafrincham
#DonaldTrump #cheetobenito #borisjohnson #bojotheclown #BoJoCoVo #theinmatesarerunningtheasylum
#COVID19 #COVID_19 #CoronaLockdown #coronavirus #douglasadams #HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy #golgafrincham #donaldtrump #cheetobenito #borisjohnson #bojotheclown #BoJoCoVo #theinmatesarerunningtheasylum