Los cuadernos de Vieco
Vila-Matas sobre ‘Estrella distante’ de Bolaño
Roberto Bolaño Este texto hace las veces de prólogo del volumen ‘Adiós a Bolaño’ (Rialta Ediciones, 2019), de Roberto Brodsky. Parece que Faulkner dialogó con el verso de Donne (“¿Quién quita sus o…
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Reflexión literaria. Roberto Bolaño
Yo creo que una obra literaria es también, aunque sin enfatizar...
<< Esta es mi última transmisión desde el planeta de los monstruos. No me sumergiré nunca más en el mar de mierda de la literatura. >>
- Estrella distante, de Roberto #Bolaño -
I started reading Bolaño's #TheSavageDetectives in February 2020, and I'm still halfway through...
I don't know what has made it such a pain to get through, but I suspect that it's the feeling that nothing is really happening during the "testimonials" section. And the mystery of Cesárea Tinarejo doesn't interest me at all.
I didn't have this problem at all with #2666 , which ended being a highlight of 2018 for me. The plot just flowed better.
#thesavagedetectives #bookstodon #realismovisceral #bolano
CULTURA| Preparan en Argentina homenaje a Roberto #Bolaño a 20 años de su muerte
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Colección de citas literarias. XCIII
Entre el pensamiento y la palabra hablada existe una fisura en la que puede....
#leguin #bolano #somersetmaugham #vitale
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Mi propuesta literaria. Roberto Bolaño
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Los libros de memoria. Roberto Bolaño
Los libros de memorias suelen ser grandilocuentes, a veces desde...
Make that #InfiniteJest #DavidFosterWallace #DFW #2666 #Bolaño #NovelExplosives #DavidMarkson #BroomoftheSystem
#broomofthesystem #davidmarkson #novelexplosives #bolano #dfw #DavidFosterWallace #infinitejest
I'm a #journalist, critic and #information activist; founding editor of https://popula.com and https://thebrick.house
I care about #library rights, #literature, #writing, #culture, #journalism, #publishing, #cinema and #freedom
Some of my favorite writers are Tom #Stoppard, Etsu Sugimoto, Henry #Fielding, Philip #Pullman, Sei #Shōnagon, Sybille Bedford, Klaus #Theweleit, Roberto #Bolaño, Agatha #Christie, Ernest Becker, P.G. #Wodehouse
#wodehouse #christie #bolano #theweleit #shonagon #pullman #fielding #stoppard #freedom #cinema #publishing #journalism #culture #writing #literature #library #information #journalist #introduction
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Colección de citas literarias. LXXXIX
El estilo debe mostrar que uno cree en sus pensamientos, no sólo que los piensa, sino que los siente. Friedrich Nietszche Escribirlo todo; como venga. Albert Camus Melancolía; esa nada que duele.…
#citasliterarias #nietzche #camus #pessoa #bolano
Sometimes, he thought, being an arts reporter in Mexico was the same as reporting on crime. And being on the police beat was the same as working for the arts page, although in the minds of the crime reporters, all the arts reporters were faggots (assthetes, they called them), and in the minds of the arts reporters, all the crime reporters were scum.
— #Bolaño, 2666
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Recopilación de textos fotografiados. «Entre las moscas». Roberto Bolaño
#Music in heavy rotation these days #nickcave #stereolab #coltrane #bach #mfdoom #can #smiths #brianeno #leonardcohen #coil #stevereich #pharoahsanders #swans #talkingheads #hüskerdü #legendarypinkdots
#films : #Östlund #davidlynch #criterion
#lit #poetry etc : #kafka #dostoevsky #faulkner #davidfosterwallace #bolano #maggienelson #rebeccasolnit #louiseglück #vollman
#music #nickcave #stereolab #coltrane #bach #MFDOOM #can #smiths #brianeno #leonardcohen #coil #stevereich #pharoahsanders #films #ostlund #davidlynch #criterion #lit #poetry #kafka #dostoevsky #faulkner #DavidFosterWallace #bolano #maggienelson #RebeccaSolnit #louisegluck #vollman #legendarypinkdots #swans #talkingheads #huskerdu
Being a #writer [is] an activity that has its share of amusing moments, but I know of other things that are even more amusing, amusing in the same way that #literature is for me. Holding up banks, for example. Or directing movies. Or being a gigolo. Or being a child again and playing on a more or less apocalyptic soccer team. Unfortunately, the child grows up, the bank robber is killed, the director runs out of money, the gigolo gets sick and then there’s no other choice but to write.
Here are some things about me that are important but aren’t in my profile, so folks can decide to follow (or abandon!):
#literature #modernism #suprematism #bolano #mann #radiohead #classicalmusic #jazz #baseball #nyknicks #opera #calvino #russianlit #zappa #activism #diy #culture #raymondwilliams #charliebrown #leguin #butler #calvino #thetempest
I saw this posted by someone else who noted it was a good way to help us find new people and I agree. We could all do it!
#literature #modernism #Suprematism #bolano #mann #radiohead #classicalmusic #jazz #baseball #nyknicks #opera #calvino #RussianLit #zappa #activism #diy #culture #raymondwilliams #charliebrown #leguin #Butler #thetempest
Here are some things about me that are important but aren’t in my profile, so folks can decide to follow (or abandon!):
#literature #modernism #suprematism #bolano #mann #radiohead #classicalmusic #jazz #baseball #nyknicks #opera #calvino #russianlit #zappa #activism #diy #culture #raymondwilliams #charliebrown #leguin #butler #calvino #thetempest
I saw this posted by someone else who noted it was a good way to help us find new people and I agree. We could all do it!
#literature #modernism #Suprematism #bolano #mann #radiohead #classicalmusic #jazz #baseball #nyknicks #opera #calvino #RussianLit #zappa #activism #diy #culture #raymondwilliams #charliebrown #leguin #Butler #thetempest