AnnaFeatherstone · @AnnaFeatherstone
589 followers · 454 posts · Server

Authors, some interesting results from the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) latest research project and the The Big Indie Author Data Drop including:

75% of book sales were part of a series (fiction and non-fiction)

Self-published authors earn more than authors who are traditionally published.

Self-published female authors earn more than self-published male authors

LGBTQIA+ self-published authors earn more than heterosexual self-published authors

Successful self-published authors are not ‘agreeable'… and that's a good thing!

More facts and figures here:

#alli #authors #writingcommunity #author #amwriting #publishing #authorbusiness #boldauthors #authorsofmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

AnnaFeatherstone · @AnnaFeatherstone
589 followers · 454 posts · Server

Where others might have seen 'dread' all I could see was 'read'. Typical writer!

This is one of the abandoned railway tunnels under Sydney which is hosting the world premiere of Dark Spectrum at Vivid Sydney. It was created by Culture Creative, MandyLights and Sony Music.

#read #vivid #vividsydney #darkspectrum #sydney #australia #writers #authors #boldauthors #words #amwriting #amreading

Last updated 1 year ago

AnnaFeatherstone · @AnnaFeatherstone
582 followers · 437 posts · Server
AnnaFeatherstone · @AnnaFeatherstone
577 followers · 429 posts · Server

Authors: want to know how to give your book the best chance of being chosen by Australian libraries? One of my favourite places is my local library. Not just because of all the wonderful librarians and the books I get to borrow, but I also get the buzz of seeing my own books on the recently returned shelf, or hear that my farm memoir is being enjoyed or dissected by another bookclub. This week too, Australian authors received our Lending Rights notification (the annual payment AU authors receive if there are at least 50 copies of your book available in AU libraries). There are many reasons why it's important for authors (trad and indie!) to work on building library demand for our books, and for all the writers who have asked me how to go about it, I've created a handy online course with all the info, tips, links, registration pages, list of distributors, marketing ideas and downloads you need to give you and your book the best chance at Australian library success. You can access the course at - hope it helps you achieve your goals!

#authors #writingcommunity #libraries #australia #author #amwriting #authortips #library #authorbusiness #boldauthors #creativeaustralia #writersaustralia #indieauthor #indieauthors #literarycommunity #authorsaustralia #australianauthors #australianauthor

Last updated 1 year ago

AnnaFeatherstone · @AnnaFeatherstone
577 followers · 428 posts · Server

Authors: want to know how to give your book the best chance of being chosen by Australian libraries? One of my favourite places is my local library. Not just because of all the wonderful librarians and the books I get to borrow, but I also get the buzz of seeing my own books on the recently returned shelf, or hear that my farm memoir is being enjoyed or dissected by another bookclub. This week too, Australian authors received our Lending Rights notification (the annual payment AU authors receive if there are at least 50 copies of your book available in AU libraries). There are many reasons why it's important for authors (trad and indie!) to work on building library demand for our books, and for all the writers who have asked me how to go about it, I've created a handy online course with all the info, tips, links, registration pages, list of distributors, marketing ideas and downloads you need to give you and your book the best chance at Australian library success. You can access the course at - hope it helps you achieve your goals!

#authors #writingcommunity #libraries #australia #author #amwriting #authortips #library #authorbusiness #boldauthors #creativeaustralia #writersaustralia #indieauthor #indieauthors #literarycommunity #authorsaustralia #australianauthors #australianauthor

Last updated 1 year ago

AnnaFeatherstone · @AnnaFeatherstone
574 followers · 406 posts · Server

It's been fascinating learning from author Amra Pajalic as to how she's used writing and small business grants to propel her writing career in both fiction and non-fiction. It's also been fun diving into her creative works - love the anthologies she's been a part of too.

Has anyone else had literary/creative/small biz success by pursuing grants? would be great to hear from you.

#australia #australianauthors #creativeaustralia #writinggrants #writingcommunity #literary #literarygrants #creativevic #creativevictoria #artscouncil #boldauthors #amwriting #anthology #anthologies #memoir

Last updated 2 years ago

AnnaFeatherstone · @AnnaFeatherstone
574 followers · 400 posts · Server

I've learned so much from working with Dr Helen Edwards on her new author mindset course 'The Resilient Writer'. I've packed some of her mental health tools into my little author confidence tote & am ready to go!

You can read more about it in my blog here

#writingcommunity #amwriting #writingcourse #authormindset #writersblock #authortips #authorsofmastodon #boldauthors #writersofmastodon #drhelenedwards

Last updated 2 years ago