@BecBikeUser @TOrynski No apologies here, you are amongst friends & comrades. ✊🏽 Yes, I get the implications of the date. Etched on my heart. #Bollox2Brexit 💖 🇪🇺 xxP
I seem to remember a certain party dismissed this as "Project Fear". O dearie me. And now, as we all know the UK economy is tanking, a former PM is howling foul and UK Plc is not only a pariah state but a bankrupt one to boot. Should we blame Covid, a world recession, climate change? Any views (rhetorical) #Bollox2Brexit #RejoinEU
@urzwoo If you knew #Engerland #England you would know why. Years of #Tory #Propaganda #Cakes + #Circuses #TV #Drivel #Education #Class #Elites #Narcissists #Egomaniacs and all the other #Bollox #BS I've lived with for 60+ years. Add an ineffective #Opposition and that's just the start. I will keep the #Red #Flag flying #Bollox2Brexit #MyCountryBack✊🏽 💖 🇪🇺
#mycountryback #bollox2brexit #flag #red #opposition #bs #bollox #Egomaniacs #narcissists #elites #class #education #drivel #tv #circuses #cakes #propaganda #tory #england #engerland
This is well worth reading. Sylvia is a good friend of mine, a staunch #European #AntFa #ToriesOut #Bollox2Brexit. Please #boost #toot
#toot #boost #bollox2brexit #toriesout #antfa #european