#Bolsanaro’s Butchery: CIA Fingerprints Are All Over Brazil’s #Indigenous Genocide
> Kit Klarenburg delves into the brutality meted out during the tenure of former President Jair Bolsonar by Brazil's infamous Rural Indigenous Guard—an undercover, lethal elite police force clandestinely established by the CIA.
Lula Faces Powerful Opposition As He Seeks To Protect the Amazon and Recognize Indigenous Rights
>Bolsonaro, a consistent defender of Brazil’s powerful agricultural industry, backed farm and ranching expansion in the Amazon.
https://portside.org/2023-06-27/lula-faces-powerful-opposition-he-seeks-protect-amazon-and-recognize-indigenous-rights #Brazil #Bolsanaro
https://apnews.com/article/jair-bolsonaro-politics-brazil-government-democracy-b62784248fee194c650df5c1da0fd120 Protestors fill the streets 9f Brazil demanding "No Amnesty" for #Bolsanaro rioters. Criminal investigations have begun and over 1200 arrests have been made #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit #ArrestTrumpNow
#bolsanaro #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #ArrestTrumpNow
So if President Biden does decide to make it clear to (ex-President) #Bolsanaro that he is not longer welcome in the States, I'd imagine its unlikely he will return to face arrest for incitement to riots in #Brasilia... so what might he do?
The prospect of a right-wing populist travelling the world whipping up sympathy for his story of stolen elections & communist insurgency might prove difficult for quite a few states he might like to 'holiday' in...
Will we have a 'populist Marriner'?
"Patriot" live streaming himself participating in terrorism for 70k likes.
#brazil #lulapresidente #bolsanaro #J6
Despite a whole lot of BS floating around social media regarding #Bolsanaro the US has not received any extradition requests, say these well-sourced State Dept. reporters.
Headline: U.S. would ‘treat seriously’ requests to revoke Bolsonaro’s visa
@msnbc Thank you for the post!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Olha, homens de verdade não trapaceiam… #Bolsanaro é um homem fraco…verdade.
@wdlindsy Good morning William. Olha, homens de verdade não trapaceiam (Real men don’t cheat). So many others… Os traidores nunca vencem, os vencedores nunca traem (Cheaters never win, winners never cheat). #Bolsanaro é #umhomemfraco
@AlexAlvarova #Bolsanaro is a weak man. Olha, homens de verdade não trapaceiam. Bolsanaro is a big time #LOSER. He had to run the insurrection from Florida - so Donald Trump could hold his hand…an even bigger loser.
Olha, homens de verdade não trapaceiam. Bolsonaro is a sore loser. He is a weak man, even directing the insurrection from another country so he can hold hands with his loser “mentor”…Donald Trump. #Pele and #AyrtonSenna are better Brasileiros…and REAL MEN #homemsaserio. #Bolsanaro is a #BigTimeLoser #Loser
#pele #ayrtonsenna #homemsaserio #bolsanaro #bigtimeloser #loser
Brazil's #LulaDaSilva Vows to Punish Rioters who Stormed Congress https://politicaliq.com/2023/01/09/brazils-new-president-vows-to-punish-rioters-who-stormed-congress/ #Brazil #Brasilia #Bolsanaro #politicaliq #news #politics
#luladasilva #brazil #brasilia #bolsanaro #politicaliq #News #politics
Voilà le résultat de l’extrême droite au pouvoir #Bolsanaro
Total soutien au peuple Brésilien qui a élu #lula de façon démocratique
RT @BilongoCarlos@twitter.com
Voilà le résultat de l’extrême droite au pouvoir #Bolsanaro
Total soutien au peuple Brésilien qui a élu #lula de façon démocratique
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BilongoCarlos/status/1612208736268845060
Seems #Trump has started a bit of a trend as #Bolsanaro supporters in #Brazil storm Congress.
#Brazil #Jan8th #Bolsanaro #Lula
RT @Metropoles@twitter.com
Imagens de destruição na sede do STF.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Metropoles/status/1612167312185909250
#brazil #jan8th #bolsanaro #lula
RT @dobura@twitter.com
Just shared in another forum, the shocking face of #inequality and non-representation within a country, as much as among countries. #Brazil's incoming cabinet (#Lula administration) vs the outgoing one (#Bolsanaro's administration)
#inequality #brazil #lula #bolsanaro
#monday #bolsanaro in Orlando. I hope he chokes on it. Evil fuckin snake this guy.