MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1934 followers · 4150 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History September 9, 1919: Boston police walked off the job during the strike wave that was spreading across the country. The police had affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, prompting the police commissioner to suspend 19 of them for their organizing efforts, and prompting other cops to go on strike. Massachusetts Governor Calvin Coolidge announced that none of the strikers would be rehired and he called in the state police to crush the strike. However, over half of them showed solidarity and refused to work. Coolidge then mustered the state militia and created an entirely new police force made up of unemployed World War I veterans, and Harvard students. The poorly trained “cops” killed 9 people during the strike. But all the blame was placed on the strikers. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson called their strike a crime against civilization. AFL President Samuel Gompers urged the cops, whom he represented, to return to work. The press attacked the striking cops as Bolsheviks. The NY Times wrote: “A policeman has no more right to belong to a union than a soldier or a sailor. He must be ready to obey orders, the orders of his superiors, not those of any outside body. One of his duties is the maintenance of order in the case of strike violence. In such a case, if he is faithful to his union, he may have to be unfaithful to the public, which pays him to protect it.” And ever since, the cops and their “unions” (professional association might be a more appropriate term) have overwhelmingly followed the NYT advice, rarely striking themselves (~25 in the U.S. over the past 100 years) and eagerly attacking other working class people who are on strike.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #union #strike #police #cops #bolshevik #ww1 #nytimes

Last updated 1 year ago

dever · @dever
156 followers · 2113 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

@Johncdvorak This style of administrative tyranny is the model. They have enough of the works gummed up with Bolshevik kompromatuers that they can ruin lives & cancel careers by infiltrating the existing legislative structures at the admin level.

It's an amazing revelation that that DA doesn't want to even broach the 'complaint' to a judge to proceed with due process.

It's a heinous infection across the country, not just Ohio.

#bolshevik #ohio

Last updated 1 year ago

@staidwinnow @DeanObeidallah the last free and fair elections had the come in 2nd behind the Nazis. I would consider that an example, given the approach to politics in general.

#Stalinists #bolshevik

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1193 followers · 2369 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Writing History May 7, 1867: Polish author Wladyslaw Reymont was born. His best-known work is the award-winning four-volume novel Chłopi (The Peasants), which won him the 1924 Nobel Prize in Literature. Also in 1924, he published his novel “Revolt,” about a rebellion of farm animals fighting for equality. However, the revolt quickly degenerates into bloody terror. It was a metaphor for the Bolshevik Revolution. Consequently, the Polish authorities banned it from 1945 to 1989. Reymont’s farm animal rebellion predated Orwell’s by 21 years.


#workingclass #LaborHistory #nobelprize #novel #fiction #wladyslawreymont #rebellion #revolt #communism #soviet #bolshevik #Revolution #writer #author

Last updated 1 year ago

Dziga Vertov 2 · @DzigaVertov2
125 followers · 1932 posts · Server mas.to

Sunday's book of the day is:

#communist #bolshevik #felixdzerzhinsky

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1044 followers · 2046 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today In Labor History April 11, 1918: The Cheka raided several anarchist centers in Moscow, arresting hundreds. The Black Guards, including Lev Chernyi, resisted the attacks. Chernyi, was an individualist anarchist, activist and poet. After denouncing the Bolsheviks and joining several underground resistance movements, he was arrested by the Cheka and executed in 1921 without trial.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #communism #soviet #russia #bolshevik #Revolution

Last updated 2 years ago

Holiday In Cambodia

Hot Take: The Revolution of 1917 was not lead by the proletariat and it simply produced a different form of .

“Totalitarian State Capitalism” is my preferred term for this Leninist-Stalinist monstrosity that followed.

Russia was not ready then, and it is most certainly not ready now for egalitarianism, or any form of socialism.

Just say gno to Demiurgedrome as Communism

#nowlistening #deadkennedys #bolshevik #totalitarianism #zdzislawbeksinski

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
881 followers · 1570 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History March 7, 1921: Select forces of the Red Army (commanded by Leon Trotsky) opened fire on the rebellious sailors, soldiers and workers of Kronstadt. The left-wing rebellion against the Bolshevik government began on March 1, and continued until March 18. Bolshevik government forces killed over 1,000 Kronstadt rebels in battle, and executed another 2,100 in the aftermath. As many as 1,400 government troops died in their attempt to quash the rebellion. The rebels were demanding that soviet councils include anarchists and left socialists, the restoration of civil rights for workers, and economic freedom for workers and peasants.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #kronstadt #rebellion #ussr #soviet #massacre #rebels #anarchism #socialism #communism #bolshevik

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
859 followers · 1497 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History March 1, 1921: Anarchist and leftwing communist soldiers and sailors rose up against the Russian Bolsheviks in the Kronstadt uprising. The rebellion, which lasted until March 16, was the last major revolt against the Bolsheviks. It began when they sent delegates to Petrograd in solidarity with strikes going on in that city, and demanded the restoration of civil rights for workers, economic and political freedom for workers and peasants, including free speech, and that soviet councils include anarchists and left socialists. The Bolshevik forces, directed by Trotsky, killed over 1,000 Kronstadt rebels in battle, and executed another 2,100 in the aftermath. As many as 1,400 government troops died in their attempt to quash the rebellion.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #communism #ussr #soviet #kronstadt #rebellion #uprising #revolt #slaughter #massacre #bolshevik #freespeech #solidarity #strike

Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
195 followers · 3346 posts · Server mstdn.jp

> We concluded, as some writers in Germany and Czechoslovakia have also concluded, that the important fact of the present time is not the struggle between and but the struggle between industrial civilization and ...This view was reinforced.. by the extreme similarity between the and the []...

and in _Prospects For in 1924


#capitalist #industrialcivilization #DoraRussel #bertrandrussel #trustmagnate #american #commissary #bolshevik #humanity #socialism #capitalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Dziga Vertov 2 · @DzigaVertov2
67 followers · 739 posts · Server mas.to
Patrik Gronostaj 🐨 · @klimateriet
39 followers · 149 posts · Server mastodon.online

Another fantastic podcast with Bathsheba Demuth talking about persons as , , and missionaries as confused in how to handle indigenous society's beyond definitions!



#climate #bathshebademuth #marxist #bolshevik #beringstrait #whales

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
575 followers · 850 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History January 9, 1905: Russia’s “Bloody Sunday” occurred, with soldiers of the Imperial Guard opening fire on unarmed protesters as they marched toward the Winter Palace. They killed as many as 234 people and injured up to 800. They also arrested nearly 7,300 people. The people were demanding better working conditions and pay, an end to the Russo-Japanese War and universal suffrage. Bolsheviks and Mensheviks opposed the march because it lacked revolutionary demands. The public was so outraged by the massacre that uprisings broke out in Moscow, Warsaw, Riga, Vilna and other parts of the empire. Over 400,000 participated in a General Strike. Protests and uprisings continued for months. The backlash was horrific. The authorities killed 15,000 peasants and sent 45,000 into exile. Another 20,000 were seriously injured. Shostakovich’s 11th Symphony is subtitled “The Year 1905.” Maxim Gorky’s novel, “The Life of a Useless Man,” depicts Bloody Sunday.


#workingclass #LaborHistory #russia #bloodysunday #bolshevik #GeneraStrike #massacre #Revolutionary #novel #Gorky #Shostakovich

Last updated 2 years ago

John Linton Roberson · @jlroberson
95 followers · 1954 posts · Server mastodon.social

Trying To Watch His Weight:
: Would you like another
Lenin: You are perfectly at liberty to offer me a donut
Bolshevik: Ok then here
Lenin: And you must agree I am perfectly at liberty to shoot you for it
Bolshevik: So...no sprinkles? (gunshot, blackout)

#lenin #bolshevik #donut

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Wald · @CitizenWald
851 followers · 863 posts · Server historians.social

This is how British readers (or at least many of them: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grap) learned about the world situation as 1917 drew to a close

The Graphic, 22 December 1917, reports on the unfolding as 's new regime attempts to extricate itself from the war: It concluded an with the Central Powers on 15 December, and on 22 began the negotiations that led to the harsh Peace of Brest-Litovsk


#bolshevik #revolution #lenin #armistice #wwi #russia #russianrevolution #stpetersburg #petrograd

Last updated 2 years ago

Dziga Vertov 2 · @DzigaVertov2
55 followers · 445 posts · Server mas.to
MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
474 followers · 650 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History December 27, 1918: The Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine (RIAU) seized 7 airplanes, establishing an Insurgent Air Fleet. The RIAU was an anarchist peasant army led by Nestor Makhno. During the Ukrainian War of Independence, they created a stateless libertarian communist society known as the Free Territory. It lasted from 1918 to 1921, when it was ultimately crushed by the Bolsheviks.

#ukraine #anarchism #bolshevik #Revolutionary #communist #nestermakhno #workingclass #LaborHistory

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
415 followers · 557 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History December 21, 1911: The Bonnot Gang, a group of anarchist bandits, pulled off the first bank robbery known to have used an automobile as a getaway car. They did it in broad daylight, in the midst of a populous Paris district. They were also among the first to use repeating rifles, technology that the French police did not yet have. They successfully robbed several banks before being caught and executed. The gang members were anarchist individualists, of the Max Stirner school. They were connected with the anarchist periodical, “L’Anarchie,” edited by Victor Serge, who later participated in the Russian Revolution. Serge was imprisoned by the Bolsheviks and, while in prison, wrote his most famous novel, “Birth of Our Power.” You can read more about the Bonnot Gang in Richard Parry’s book “The Bonnot Gang.”


#LaborHistory #workingclass #anarchism #bonnotgang #victorserge #russia #Revolution #bolshevik #maxstirner #fiction #biography

Last updated 2 years ago

Aho · @aho
21 followers · 613 posts · Server mastodon.social

@inari had the book appeared just 3 years later, then the characters would have been Cyrillic and just a couple of years later it wouldn't have been published at all. One of the many "wonders" of rule.

#russo #bolshevik

Last updated 2 years ago