Los golpistas brasileiros de 1964 nunca fueron condenados, los crimenes nunca juzgados.
Por eso hoy algunos pelotudos quieren otra vez un golpe del estado.
#bolsonarofascista #golpedeestado #MilicosVioladores #lula #brazil
@locksmithprime and I'm sick and tired of explaining the difference between left and extreem left! You really should look up the difference between the 2. "Partido dos Trabalhadores" it's left! Of course when you are on the "extrem right" of the spectrum every thing centered will look TO YOU extrem left!
"I'm done" 🙄 my man... you haven't even understood the terminology yet! 🤷♀️
@locksmithprime please🙄🙄, we'll see!
Miss me with that non chalent attitude vis a vis a right extremists coup!
Nothing the left ever did compared to the right BS!
So I guess we'll see what happens (Bolsonaro leaving 2 days before his immunity ran off sure fells like he's scared! To florida! if anyone had a doubt about what he is!!!)
Regarding Lula's arrest, take a look at whom accused him, who & where THEY ARE !
#IamANTIFA #RascimoÉburrice #bolsonaroFascista #GQPInternationalTerrorists
#iamantifa #rascimoeburrice #bolsonarofascista #gqpinternationalterrorists
#twitter #PresidenteLula when you look for the enablers don't forget this one please!
#twitter #presidentelula #karma #accountabilitynow #elonisanazi #bolsonarofascista
I wonder where they got the logistics to organize such a coup?🤔🤔🤔🤬🤬
#bolsonaroFascista #trumpTraitor
#bolsonarofascista #trumptraitor
Pro bolsonarists invade the Senate!
That's why what happens in the US is relevant worldwide! Deal with the traitor and his minions before they inspire more terrorists!
#bolsonaroFascista #brazil
@newz fascists scream and invading public spaces... where have I seen this before? Do they have a QANON xaman too? #bolsonaroFascista #IamANTIFA
@Gleisplan Ich sehe da feine Chancen, dass #bolsonarofascista plötzlich Anstand entwickelt.
La sombra de los militares brasileños se cierne sobre el sistema de votación
#bolsonarofascista #nuncamas #dictadura #votomilitar #votoelectronico #brasil #eleccion