Russia has 27 operable Tu-22M3 bombers left following recent strikes
Following recent strikes against Russian military airports in #Soltsy and #Shaykovka, the Russian Air Force currently fields 27 operable Tu-22M3 strategic bombers
#RussiaInvadedUkraine #bombers #Tu-22M3 #RussianWarCrimes #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine
#StandWithUkraine #ukraine #RussianWarCrimes #tu #bombers #RussiaInvadedUkraine #shaykovka #soltsy
Russian bombers intercepted by RAF north of Shetland
Two Russian long-range bombers have been intercepted by RAF Typhoon fighters north of Shetland
Typhoon jets were scrambled from RAF Lossiemouth after the Russian aircraft – used for reconnaissance – were detected entering UK airspace.
#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #RAF #Shetland #Scotland #Russian #bombers
#bombers #russian #scotland #shetland #raf #RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine
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🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - August 03rd 2023 🔥🔥🔥
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
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Is evil always banal? It’s definitely monotonous. Russia continues to terrorize #Ukraine from the air. Ukrainian air defense shot down 33 of 36 Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise #missiles fired by 8 Russian Tu-95 #bombers from the Caspian Sea surroundings and 3 Kalibr missiles launched from the Black Sea on July 26. Then on the night of July 27, Russia launched eight Iranian-made Shahed #drones from the Russian Krasnodar territory. All 8 were shot down. #war
#ukraine #missiles #bombers #drones #war
Dues persones d’edat avançada en estat crític arran d’un incendi al Vendrell #Societat #Bombers
Un incendi forestal a Sant Vicenç dels Horts obliga a confinar una urbanització #Societat #incendis #Bombers
Crossroads. There are 2 ways how we can go on as humanity. Either we repeat the same #mistakes over and over again, shooting, killing and destroying (for weeks now, #bombers and attack helicopters have been flying over my house every day, against all international treaties). Or we go new ways! Ways of #solidarity, #community, and #trust. This is our decision. But we should hurry.
#philosophy #politik #politics #history #opensource #literatur
#literatur #opensource #history #politics #politik #philosophy #trust #community #solidarity #bombers #mistakes
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #football #cfl #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #Bombers #BlueBombers #WinnipegBlueBombers #3DownNation #3DownFootball
🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - July 15th 2023 🔥🔥🔥
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
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Un incendi en una casa de colònies de Vallgorguina obliga a desallotjar 170 persones #Societat #Bombers
<p>🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: #BlueBombers #ForTheW :Bombers: #Bombers :Bombers2: #Stampeders #TogetherWeRide 🐴 #CGYvWPG @cfl </p><p>So a 6 point swing on a 103 yard missed Field Goal return gives WPG a 10 point lead.</p>
#cflom #cfl #bluebombers #ForTheW #bombers #stampeders #togetherweride #cgyvwpg
Absolt el bomber agredit per mossos en una protesta contra la detenció de Puigdemont #repressiójudicial #Principat #Bombers
#repressiojudicial #Principat #bombers
Rescaten il·lès un noi que havia baixat al canal de Tivenys i era incapaç de tornar a pujar #Societat #Bombers
Un mort i dos ferits en l’incendi d’un bloc de pisos a Granollers #Societat #Bombers
Com? Perdoni? Com que ja es dijous? I #lesindomites? Què ha passat amb Les indòmites? És el caloret faller? És només el caloret? Ai, #bombers apagau aqueix foc:
@podcatscat @dr_neuro @Ambercocs @cibersheep @mistressperenque @rocnegre @senyoralice
#lesindomites #bombers #unafortor #quenoensdeixaveure
Els bombers desactiven la recerca de la dona arrossegada per la riuada a Ullastrell després d’una setmana #Societat #Bombers
Els bombers i els Mossos cerquen al Llobregat la dona desapareguda en la riada a Ullastrell #mossosd'esquadra #Societat #Bombers
S’ha mort una dona de 87 anys en un incendi en un pis al carrer de Muntaner de Barcelona #Societat #Bombers
La modificació del pla INFOCAT encén les ADF i els Agents Rurals i obliga Interior a rectificar #Departamentd'Interior #Incendiforestal #Societat #incendis #Bombers
#Departamentd #Incendiforestal #societat #incendis #bombers
Evacuats trenta treballadors per una petita fuita de clor a Sant Andreu de la Barca #Societat #Bombers