“Margaret Betts, from #Ipswich in #Suffolk, was 19 y/o when she was headhunted by "men from the ministry" having performed well at school… We were the service staff who were operating them (#bombes)”
#MargaretBetts 🖤 / #BletchleyPark / #CodeBreaker <https://forces.net/women/margaret-betts-one-last-female-codebreakers-bletchley-park-dies-aged-99>
#ipswich #suffolk #bombes #margaretbetts #bletchleypark #codebreaker
“Margaret Betts, from #Ipswich in #Suffolk, was 19 y/o when she was headhunted by "men from the ministry" having performed well at school… We were the service staff who were operating them (#bombes)”
#Margaret Betts 🖤 / #BletchleyPark / #CodeBreaker <https://forces.net/women/margaret-betts-one-last-female-codebreakers-bletchley-park-dies-aged-99>
#ipswich #suffolk #bombes #margaret #bletchleypark #codebreaker
Politico, citant des documents américains divulgués :
Les #bombes intelligentes de fabrication #américaine sont victimes du brouillage électronique russe en #Ukraine, ce qui leur fait manquer leurs cibles.
RT @Franc_de_Sousse
Pas même un seul journaliste courageux pour dénoncer l'indécence et cynisme de ce #zelensky et de son #teeshirt ridicule, preuve de son #confort personnel alors que tout un Peuple meurt de #froid et des #bombes ?
@BFMTV @CNEWS @Bruce_Toussaint @PascalPraud etc
#zelensky #teeshirt #confort #froid #bombes #ukraine