Another few #DailyPhoto(s) from my wander around #MerthyrMawr#Dunes this weekend; A #RedKite, Flowering #Blackthorn, A #DarkEdgedBeeFly (#BombyliusMajor) and the #Flowers of an #Ash tree. Not the greatest quality photos, but interesting subjects... I hope
#naturephotography #nature #ash #flowers #bombyliusmajor #darkedgedbeefly #blackthorn #RedKite #merthyrmawr #dailyphoto
The second clip shows a Honey Bee disturbed on Ceanothus by a Dark-edged Bee-fly.
Spring has started quite slowly: still relatively few nectar sources and daytime temperatures need to be a bit higher too.2 of 2
#ApisMellifera #BombyliusMajor #HoneyBee #BeeFly #Ceanothus
#apismellifera #bombyliusmajor #honeybee #BeeFly #ceanothus #pollinators