I applaud Randall Stephenson for boycotting the Bone Saw Tour.
#LIV #PGA #SaudiArabia #BoneSawTour #Golf
PGA Tour policy board member resigns over LIV merger https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4087982-pga-tour-policy-board-member-resigns-over-liv-merger/
#golf #bonesawtour #saudiarabia #pga #liv
I've enjoyed the USGA Open since high school. I remember our HS golf team watching together as Arnold threw his visor in the air after winning in 1960. Because of the Saudis, this could be my last. I've been watching TV golf since Wide World of Golf days, and will miss it. I quit watching any golf but the majors last year, disgusted with the PGA BEFORE it became the #BonesawTour. The USGA is our amateur organization, but with accomplices to murder competing, it's hard to watch this year.
Richard Blumenthal is launching a probe into the PGA Tour-LIV Golf mega deal. He's seeking a host of records related to the agreement by June 26.
Trust-Busters Have Some Concerns About the Big Golf Not-a-Merger #PGA #BoneSawTour https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-06-07/trust-busters-have-some-concerns-about-the-big-golf-not-a-merger