@salometsereteli @helafella There are lots of #Fellas here. Search & follow hashtags to find them. #NAFOExpansionIsNonNegotiable has been really popular the last few days. Follow one & then look at their followers to find more. They’ve been really active & very funny. There are fewer Rs here but I’ve seen some #Bonks. The more hashtags you follow and people you follow, the more interesting your feed will be. It takes a little time to curate a good list.
#fellas #nafoexpansionisnonnegotiable #bonks
Bonk's Adventure ad
(Red Company, Atlus) 1989, TurboGrafx
#bonks #pcgenjin #redcompany #atlus #turbografx #80s #retro #retrogames #RETROGAMING
#bonks #pcgenjin #redcompany #atlus #turbografx #80s #retro #retrogames #retrogaming