Elaine attending In Conversatiom with Dexter Fletcher on 04 June 2023.
Photo 1: Solo photo of Elaine
Photo 2: Elaine with Dexter Fletcher
Photo 3: Elaine with Bonnie Langford #elainepaige #dexterfletcher #BonnieLangford
#bonnielangford #dexterfletcher #elainepaige
‘#DoctorWho’: #BonnieLangford Returns To Reprise #MelanieBush Role https://deadline.com/2023/06/doctor-who-bonnie-langford-returns-mel-bush-1235410837/
#doctorwho #bonnielangford #melaniebush
#BonnieLangford will reprise the iconic role of Melanie Bush, Companion to the Sixth and Seventh Doctors, on the upcoming season of #DoctorWho featuring the Fifteenth Doctor played by #NcutiGatwa. Showrunner #RussellTDavis promises Langford's appearance is not just a cameo and she will be in the thick of things 'just like the old days'.
#bonnielangford #doctorwho #ncutigatwa #russelltdavis
Out today! Three adventures in history for the Sixth Doctor and Mel. Will they set time back on its proper course, restoring new friend Hebe's 21st Century existence or will they fail terribly, despite giving it a good go? It is impossible to know but the actor who plays Hebe is definitely pictured on the cover and I doubt that happened by mistake. #DoctorWho #BigFinish #ColinBaker #BonnieLangford #ImogenStubbs #RuthMadeley #Sheffield
#sheffield #RuthMadeley #imogenstubbs #bonnielangford #colinbaker #bigfinish #DoctorWho
Paid and praised. I can't quibble. https://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/doctor-who-the-sixth-doctor-adventures-purity-unleashed-2623
#greatsheffieldflood #sheffieldflood #sheffield #imogenstubbs #bonnielangford #colinbaker #RuthMadeley #bigfinish #DoctorWho
A really thin #TOTP on this day in 1988: the most interesting thing might be the video for Great Ormond Street's charity record starring #BonnieLangford.
Here's a studio performance from #TheStranglers, "All day and all of the night" was the quick-and-obvious cover hit their management demanded.
Sad swansong for a respected band, all we could look forward to was a greatest hits album when the CD market matures in a few years.
#thestranglers #bonnielangford #totp