Danmc2 · @danmcginn
9 followers · 110 posts · Server mastodon.world

BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME: U2 may have lost some of the adulation that once greeted them everywhere - not least in their native land. The Disney+ special 'Bono and The Edge: A Sort of Homecoming with David Letterman' seeks to rectify that. But does it succeed?.. loveitinpomona.blogspot.com/20

#u2 #dublin #songs #letterman #ireland #bono #edge #music #stpatricksday #bonoandtheedgeasortofhomecomingwithdavidletterman #disneyplus #streaming #pantibliss #glenhansard #fontainesdc #imeldamay #DermotKennedy

Last updated 1 year ago