A new study suggests that bonobos experience adolescent growth spurts in body length similar to humans. Researchers used physiological markers and a scale-corrected approach to analyze the growth patterns of 258 zoo-living bonobos. The findings challenge the idea that human pubertal growth is unique and suggest that it may have evolved from a common ancestor of humans and bonobos.. #bonobos #growth #evolution https://phys.org/news/2023-08-bonobos-similarly-humans.html?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=HariTulsidas%2Fmagazine%2FMind+and+Matter
Elephants, Bonobos, and us: how species came to self-domesticate
#elephants #pachyderms #bonobos #science #evopsych
Today we present you our #CBC member Jolinde! Jolinde is investigating communicative interactions of two distantly related cooperative species to complement human research and bridge the gap.
Specifically, she focuses on the development of turn-taking skills in wild infant #bonobos at the Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and turn-taking in wild bottlenose #dolphins around the Cedar Keys, Florida, USA.
This week in the Hypothetical Island podcast, we’re joined by cartoonist and sci-fi artist Kraig Rasmussen @kraigcomx to talk the joys of self-publishing, whether bonobos have hair, our preferred undergarments, and why AI art blows.
Also some pretty insightful conversation about the business side of the comics industry.
Listen in here-- https://open.spotify.com/episode/70aYGoGi93MCBUIobWtrV3
#hypotheticalisland #comics #bonobos #chimpanzee #apes #comics knights #armor https://instagr.am/p/Co-IS4Ru7V1/
#hypotheticalisland #comics #bonobos #chimpanzee #apes #armor
#nowplaying FMP classic of solo alien guitar, Hans Reichel's Bonobo. Reichel built and modified his own guitars by adding extra strings, messing with the pickups, or in this case adding an extra neck, pointed in the opposite direction, and mounted on a board, as seen in the helpful diagram (fig. 3). Otherworldly sounds, and perhaps an antecedent to Bill Nace's taishōgoto jamming of late, in temperament and maybe even sonics. #jazz ? #guitar #jazztodon #musodon #bonobos https://destination-out.bandcamp.com/album/bonobo
#nowplaying #jazz #guitar #jazztodon #musodon #bonobos
GOODWARP – Souvenir [OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO] https://www.magmoe.com/528721/celebrity/2017-12-25/
##寝ても覚めても #backnumber #BHエンターテインメント #bonobos #BrownEyedSoul #DADARAY #GOODWARP #IndigolaEnd #MINI #MORE #SEKAINOOWARI #Souvenir #インディゴ #インディゴラエンド #グッドワープ #ゲスの極み乙女 #こえ恋 #シティポップ #スーベニア #スマホ向け #セカオワ #ソニー損保 #ダンサブルポップ #ダンスポップ #トドメのキス #トドメの接吻 #ドラマMV #ドラマPV #ナオル #バックナンバー #ハッピーエンド #ブランケット・キャッツ #ポップバンド #ラブ×ドック #ラブストーリー #ラブソング #ロックバンド #切ない #唐田えりか #天才バンド #岡田文章 #新垣結衣 #星野源 #有村架純 #爆弾ジョニー #縦型MV #縦型PV #縦型動画 #邦ロック
#邦ロック #縦型動画 #縦型PV #縦型MV #爆弾ジョニー #有村架純 #星野源 #新垣結衣 #岡田文章 #天才バンド #唐田えりか #切ない #ロックバンド #ラブソング #ラブストーリー #ラブ #ポップバンド #ブランケット #ハッピーエンド #バックナンバー #ナオル #ドラマPV #ドラマMV #トドメの接吻 #トドメのキス #ダンスポップ #ダンサブルポップ #ソニー損保 #セカオワ #スマホ向け #スーベニア #シティポップ #こえ恋 #ゲスの極み乙女 #グッドワープ #インディゴラエンド #インディゴ #souvenir #sekainoowari #more #mini #indigolaend #GOODWARP #DADARAY #BrownEyedSoul #bonobos #BHエンターテインメント #backnumber #寝ても覚めても
Interessanter Artikel 🙂🙏🧜♀️
@diese_meerjungfrau @Fischblog
Sprache der #Bonobos und #Schimpansen: Wir Menschen verstehen Affen gut
Wenn #Menschenaffen gestikulieren, können wir Menschen die Bedeutung leicht entschlüsseln, sagen Forscherinnen.
#Menschenaffen #schimpansen #bonobos
RT @LennartPyritz
Menschen verstehen #Gesten von #Schimpansen und #Bonobos. Über die Studie und die Erklärungsansätze habe ich @Dlf_Forschung @DLF mit @kirstyegraham @univofstandrews gesprochen:
Hier auch mit schönen Bildern der Gesten:
#Humans Retain ‘Ancestral’ Understanding of #Ape #Gestures, Study Says
A game played by more than 5,500 people revealed that humans can often interpret the gestures of #chimpanzees and #bonobos
#humans #Ape #gestures #chimpanzees #bonobos
Bonobos, unlike humans, are more interested in the emotions of strangers than individuals they know
As humans, we share many characteristics with bonobos, who together with chimpanzees are the ape species that are most closely related to us. There are a lot of similarities in our social behavior, but also some remarkable differences.
#Germany - #Bonobos showered with Christmas gifts at popular German zoo
What connects #humans and #bonobos during collective eating? A conversation about #rituals, #rules, and #feasts with #BehaviouralEcologist #BarbaraFruth and #HealthPsychologist #BrittaRenner, , project leaders at the Cluster of Excellence “Centre for the Advanced Study of #CollectiveBehaviour (#CASCB)” at the #UniversityKonstanz.
#universitykonstanz #cascb #CollectiveBehaviour #brittarenner #healthpsychologist #barbarafruth #behaviouralecologist #feasts #rules #rituals #bonobos #humans #collectiveeating
Mae'n hen bryd... An #introduction to me - my name is Binni and I'm a bunch of things: #libraryworker #tradeunionist #vegan #reader #feminist #trans #nonbinary #lgbtq
I like #music #dancing #cinema #startrek #scifi #tattoos #cats #bonobos
I'm half #swedish and I'm learning #welsh
I'm a #lgbtq & #union #activist
I live by the #seaside on the #wirral in #merseyside is this too many #hashtags I can't #stop
#introduction #LibraryWorker #tradeunionist #vegan #reader #feminist #trans #nonbinary #lgbtq #music #dancing #cinema #startrek #scifi #tattoos #cats #bonobos #swedish #welsh #union #activist #seaside #wirral #merseyside #hashtags #stop
Mae'n hen bryd... An #introduction to me - my name is Binni and I'm a bunch of things: #libraryworker #tradeunionist #vegan #reader #feminist #trans #nonbinary #lgbtq
I like #music #dancing #cinema #startrek #scifi #tattoos #cats #bonobos
I'm half #swedish and I'm learning #welsh
I'm a #lgbtq & #union #activist
I live by the #seaside on the #wirral in #merseyside is this too many #hashtags I can't #stop
#introduction #LibraryWorker #tradeunionist #vegan #reader #feminist #trans #nonbinary #lgbtq #music #dancing #cinema #startrek #scifi #tattoos #cats #bonobos #swedish #welsh #union #activist #seaside #wirral #merseyside #hashtags #stop
Sempre és genial saber més sobre els #bonobos 🐒 Aquest cop aprofito un treball de la uni per desmuntar alguns arguments que s'usen per defensar el #patriarcat. https://journals.openedition.org/primatologie/1090