e garantirà la possibilità di percorrere un dato ammontare di chilometri all'anno a seconda della classe ambientale: 1000 km per gli euro 0, 2000 per gli euro 1, 7000 per gli euro 3 e 10000 per gli euro 4. E non è finita: la scatola nera potrà anche premiare comportamenti virtuosi alla guida assegnando all'automobilista dei #metri "#bonus". Ad esempio, per ogni chilometro percorso su #strade #urbane con uno stile di guida #ecologico (ossia senza accelerazioni o frenate brusche) si.. 2/n
#metri #bonus #strade #Urbane #ecologico
Quando sentite la parola #Bonus o #B110 o #Reddito (non remunerato) o #scostamento pensate a “Merda”
“Le obbligazioni ipotecarie sono merda di cane, i CDO sono merda di cane avvolta in merda di gatto.” (Mark Baum)
#bonus #b110 #reddito #Scostamento
Addio ai bonus, il governo pronto a cancellarli: ecco quali possono saltare.
Die #Arm Manager machen jedenfalls schonmal Gewinn durch den Börsengang:
„Chief among these is the company's US-based CEO, Rene Haas, who is likely to receive cash and shares worth $40 million, while a further $35 million has been granted to two other unnamed executives, it is reported.“
#GRADUIDAMENDE #bonus #bloccoeuro5 #vercelli #inquinamento #ev
Questo è stato il famoso #Ministro che ha spurdoratamente detto al mondo che con il SB c'è stata "la più grande frode della storia della Repubblica" (era invece il #BonusFacciate e i decennali cambio caldaie a gas) 😱 😵
Peccato che invece il #SuperBonus sia stato il #bonus con il più basso tasso di frodi mai registrato, soprattutto rispetto all'ammontare stanziato (0,7% di frodi, ovvero il nulla, MOLTO ma MOLTO meno delle frodi CONTINUE di chi evade IVA e altre imposte correnti, dati AdE).
#ministro #BonusFacciate #Superbonus #bonus
Uren storing in Bonus-systeem Albert Heijn, wachtrijen in winkels - https://nos.nl/l/2487312
Nou, het kraskaarten-systeem werkt nog steeds niet. Niks ontvangen, zelfs nadat de servicemedewerker het er handmatig opgezet heeft.
#ah #AlbertHeijn #storing #bonus
Wow. I'm finding out that our new place is near absolutely everything. We just moved here because it was the only place we could afford. #Bonus!
NEW TITLEIST T-150 vs MIURA MC-501 // Mikey’s new irons? // Bonus T-200 Long Irons Review https://www.fogolf.com/563795/new-titleist-t-150-vs-miura-mc-501-mikeys-new-irons-bonus-t-200-long-irons-review/
#bonus #clubfitting #equipment #Golf #GolfClubs #golfclubsirons #golfclubsironsvideos #golfclubsironsvlog #golfclubsironsYouTube #golfclubsvideos #golfclubsvlog #golfclubsYouTube #GolfEquipment #golfequipmentvideos #golfequipmentvlog #golfequipmentYouTube #golfirons #golfironsvideos #golfironsvlog #golfironsYouTube #irons #Long #MC501 #Mikeys #miura #review #t150 #T200 #Titleist
#bonus #clubfitting #equipment #golf #golfclubs #golfclubsirons #golfclubsironsvideos #golfclubsironsvlog #golfclubsironsyoutube #golfclubsvideos #golfclubsvlog #golfclubsyoutube #golfequipment #golfequipmentvideos #golfequipmentvlog #golfequipmentyoutube #golfirons #golfironsvideos #golfironsvlog #golfironsyoutube #irons #long #mc501 #mikeys #miura #review #t150 #t200 #titleist
@SecurityWriter Eeyupp...
#NoDeployFriday is the norm in #Germany and unless it's an emergency incident, EVERYONE will NOPE shit and tell one to GTFO as noone wants their weekend to be ruined if it fails.
What gaslighting grifters call "Quiet Quitting" is "Sticking to the Contract" and is not only the norm in #Europe, but Employers encourage it because they'd otherwise have to pay hefty #overtime #bonus|es...
#bonus #overtime #Europe #Germany #nodeployfriday
#Bonus " #caroenergia " rimborso "remissione in bonis" - #Misterfisco https://www.misterfisco.it/altrenovita/bonus-caro-energia/
#bonus #CaroEnergia #misterfisco
Gained a day in my frazzled brain somehow. Woke up this morning convinced it was Monday and convinced I'd have to just suck it up and crack on regardless. #Bonus
Due to my bone idleness, which caused me to cancel a trip to the village shop, I've had to get creative in the kitchen. It looks edible. #Bonus
Calcolo #bonus e #sussidi con un'app fatta #ChatGpt e da me : https://calcolo-bonus-sussidi.web.app/
Mid afternoon thoughts on #appreciation:
I once read a quote which said, “you should stop doing things when they are #expected rather than appreciated.” And, while I don’t think it applies to every situation 100%, I do think it’s a good guide.
The most common complaint I hear from people about their #work (whether that’s paid, volunteer or domestic) is that they don’t feel appreciated - by their bosses, colleagues or partners.
In most instances, a little appreciation goes a long way. A #ThankYou or an #acknowledgment don’t take the place of a #PayRise, a #bonus or #SharingTheWorkload but they do mean a better work environment for everyone.
People who feel #UnderValued often also feel #resentful and that adds to #ToxicWorkEnvironments.
None of us are perfect but we can all try to show the people in our lives the appreciation they deserve and hopefully some of that comes back to us as well.
#appreciation #expected #work #thankyou #acknowledgment #payrise #bonus #sharingtheworkload #undervalued #resentful #toxicworkenvironments
Questa mi era sfuggita 🧐
Praticamente leggo che in #Francia per ridurre lo #spreco ABNORME di vestiti buttati in discarica prevederanno un #bonus per il "#rammendo" dell'abbigliamento effettuato presso #sarte/i, #calzolai/ie (mai sentito in vita mia di una calzolaia #donna, e pure su questo ci sarebbe da discutere...)
#francia #spreco #bonus #rammendo #sarte #calzolai #donna
(3) #burnout (vervolg)
..en zijn 60 #personeelsleden. Hij is nog geen jaar #bedrijfsleider in een overigens succesvol bedrijf. (sic).
Mijn #vaderlijke én #management #nekharen gaan recht overeind staan. Ik wil hem #adviezen meegeven, zoals:
- Je bent nu #bedrijfsleider, dus #personeelsleden zijn niet meer je #collega's. Zij spreken je aan op alles wat hen niet zint. 'Tot hier en niet verder' is de enige boodschap die je hen nu moet geven.
- Benoem dat het een #rooster en de #bonus .. (4)
#bonus #rooster #collega #adviezen #nekharen #management #vaderlijke #bedrijfsleider #personeelsleden #burnout
(2) #burnout (vervolg)
..#extra #bonus. Bezorgd kijk ik naar hem en zie hem denken: 'hoe ga ik dit allemaal oplossen? Goed bedoelde adviezen komen ter sprake, ook van mijn kant.
Maar dan komt er nóg een 'aap uit de mouw'. Tweewekelijks heeft hij een gesprek met zijn baas, de #ondernemer, over de #financiële resultaten. 'De kosten van #personeel zijn te hoog t.o.v. de #omzet' krijgt hij dan vaak te horen.
Hij is 27 en zit nu al in een 'squeze' tussen #verwachtingen van de #directie...(3)
#directie #verwachtingen #omzet #personeel #financiele #ondernemer #bonus #extra #burnout
Four "Blatant Lies" in the fact- check roundup.
The one that's "true" demonstrates Elon Musk's immaturity.
#antivaxx #COVID19 #VaccinesSaveLives #Cancer#TurboCancer #disney #transphobia #transgender #vaccines #pfizer #bonus #bonusholes #health #womenshealth
#womenshealth #health #bonusholes #bonus #pfizer #vaccines #transgender #transphobia #disney #cancer #vaccinessavelives #COVID19 #antivaxx