I have two of my books/short stories on my blog http://ThatchColon.com/ but I am having problems separating the books. I would like to have each one in a separate location. I tried to archive but it just de-posted the blog entries I tried to archive.
Any and all advice (even moving away from #blogspot) is appreciated.
And now, a picture. Of a #Clock
#boodstodon #blog #help #book #blogspot #clock
Overigens, even dwaas als grappig boek, "Bach en het getal".
#bachenhetgetal #bach #nummerologie #wiskunde #muziek #nostredamus #voorspellingen #obscurisme #boek #boeken #lezen #boodstodon #Bookwyrm
#Bookwyrm #boodstodon #lezen #boeken #boek #obscurisme #voorspellingen #nostredamus #muziek #wiskunde #nummerologie #bach #bachenhetgetal