Works fine on #book8088 !
Crazy hard though imho. "Lunar Lander isn't hard enough you should have to shoot things too!"
And the default keys yeah this was a speccy game alright... π also hangs #Tandy1000
Ill probably try it on #book8088 but im not very hopeful.π’
#tandy1000 #book8088 #diskimage #dos #msdos #VirtualDisk
Humm anyone have an #8086 program to extract files from msdos disk images? crashes on #Tandy1000 and produces corrupt files on my (v20) #Book8088
This is (working) twin.exe extracted by Mounting the disk image in linux and cp-ing the files, versus the same file extracted by img under dos. From the same set of images.
The horror of....
IBM DisplayWrite 3
Seems to work on #book8088
I don't think it has "print to file" and it supports printers named "Class A" ... "Class F" ???
I wonder if #Book8088 is truly compatible enough to run displaywrite 3? I've read Displaywrite 4 was *really* picky about hardware...
(yeah dw3 is kinda a horrible program but I did a lot of work in it in 91-92)
copying downloaded software off 1.44meg floppies onto my ftp server for #Tandy1000 and #Book8088 access. (mirrored to a thumb drive for the book8088)
Really hating past-me's habit of just copying archives onto whatever disk had room for them. Spending more time organizing than reading disks!
only 1 disk error so far, unfortunately its a file I don't think I have any other copies of...
anyway i got almost half a box of disks uploaded. good enough for one night.
The fanciest printing I can get out of PipeDream 2 or First Choice is early laserjet (pcl).
My CUPS-lpr server doesn't have gpcl on it so no luck there.
Also, when told to print to a file, they both filter out all the escape codes! resulting in a flat text file. d00d i can do that with fold(1) and pr(1)!
Tandy 1000 has wattcp's lpr. Book 8088 has sneakernet!
#book8088 #tandy1000 #pipedream #firstchoice
well you can still transfer files via usb or cf card so its not totally cut off from the rest of the universe... (a surprising amount of xt software wants a mouse thoughπ)
I understand why the hand386 gets all the hardware love (wheres our hd replacement screen! π) but I deliberately went with the netbook format. So I'm trying to, i dunno, be the #book8088 resource I'd like to see. π€
Oh and another #Book8088 hint from the #RetroHackShack guy:
windows 3 doesn't autodetect mice, you have to go into "control panel" and select the proper mouse...
(and then the book8088 will ask for Windows disk 3, but fortunately will accept D: as a source) π€
Because of #book8088 I've watched more YouTube in the last 2 months than I have in the last 10 years...
I just looked and I'm pretty sure all the XT class (8 bit ISA) cards I have in my room are already in the Tandy 1000 and the #Book8088 can't have them!
I'll have to go dig in the storage unit and that... That will take a larger chuck of time. π
Never seen this one before. It was mentioned on fedi a couple months back and I grabbed it. Here it is on #book8088
OS/5 version 1.1 for 8086 & MS-DOS.
Seems pretty silly. All UI and no functionality. Might be more functional with a mouse though.
So the retro hack shack guy says the #book8088 bios blocks floppy drives even if a floppy controller is hooked up.
Can anyone confirm?
I think I'm going to nuke SC3, at least on the #book8088
It's not like there aren't other msdos spreadsheets... I've already got First Choice and Pipedream 2 installed. There's Twin, geoworks, deskmate, real 123, 123 for deskmate.... And that's just what I have here...
And they don't hang the machine looking for non-existent disk drives.
#Tandy1000 #Book8088 #SuperCalc3
I don't know if anybody else is going to use dos SuperCalc3 in 2023?
But if you do... When told to save/load a file, it wants to look on all possible disk drives. This takes a long time to time out. I threw out an hour's work because I thought the book8088 had crashed so it got the 3 finger salute. π
tried again on the t1000 and it was just trying to read A:...
so, to save/load in sc3, specify full pathnames to avoid this.
#tandy1000 #book8088 #supercalc3
#book8088 died right after my last post, so I would make a SWAG of 3 to 4 hours of battery (mostly in turbo mode)
One of the broken bits of software on my #book8088 was that the DOS didn't work. Not exactly world-ending but still grumble grumble incompetent pirates are the worst...
Anyway I just replaced qbasic.exe with a patched version(*) and now help works!
(*) Defaults to looking for .qbs rather than .bas because .bas is for gwbasic! Otherwise it's vanilla dos622 qbasic .
Calc-man on #book8088
Pacman in a spreadsheet! Actually pretty fun and funny!
I'm thinking about different operating systems for the #Book8088 and Tandy 1000.
#DosPlus won't boot on the #Tandy1000 i guess the hardware isn't 5150 enough.
(Looks like it has its own BIOS instead of using the ROM)
Also I don't think it speaks hard drives at all so it's a non-starter on the book8088.