Yet another library facing closing because of book banners.
New poll shows massive backlash to anti-LGBTQ school policies. A new Navigator Research Poll shows that book bans, school sports policies, and Don’t Say Gay bills are wildly unpopular
#LosAngelesBlade #AntiLGBTQSchoolPolicies #Backlash #NavigatorResearchPoll #BookBans #DontSayGay #Politics #News
#losangelesblade #antilgbtqschoolpolicies #backlash #navigatorresearchpoll #bookbans #DontSayGay #politics #news
#Education #Bookbans Federal judge bars Texas from enforcing book rating law
House Bill 900 requires book vendors to rate all their materials based on their depictions or references to sex before selling them to schools. Vendors say the law aims to regulate protected speech with “vague and over broad” terms.
How to How To Alert Your School Board to Bad Actors
Are #BookBans the Reason Behind Some #Book’s Popularity?
Don’t stand by as books are banned; stand up for #libraries | The Seattle Times
#bookbans #usa @libraries #censorship #bibliothèques #censure
#libraries #bookbans #usa #censorship #bibliotheques #censure
“Wyoming Head Librarian Fired For Refusing To Remove Books” #BookBans #LGBTQ+
Will book bans lead to a greater appreciation and seeking out of literature? Will history bans ignite creativity to teach historical moments through the use of technology such as VR? My teen clients are offering me perspectives as they understand how to traverse technology, watch movies/docuseries that represent who they truly are. Artists such as Glenn Kaiko and Jesse Williams creating VR and apps to teach history. These bans are horrendous but we live in a world that cannot be shut down. It's available through digital download and bans are leading to new ideas to spread the truth and combat the lies. The difficulty will be accessibility and that will need to be the focus, especially for the littles. Fighting the lies will be paramount. But these kids...these kids know. They know that books that look like them are being removed and some feel that they are being represented as monsters, which is heartbreaking. But they seek out digital copies of books on their phone, watch movies/TV shows that look like them and this is how they fight back. This is all so hard and at times, it seems hopeless. The bans keep coming but we need to fight back, and create alternatives for learning. I don't know how this ends, but it is my sincere hope that this hatred ends and love takes over. #bookBans #historyBans #CounselorsOfMastodon #therapist #therapistsOfMastadon #counseling #therapy #psychotherapy #SocialWork
#bookbans #historybans #counselorsofmastodon #therapist #therapistsofmastadon #counseling #therapy #psychotherapy #socialwork
me: that's not how that works. that's not how ANY OF THIS WORKS!
“Wyoming Head Librarian Fired For Refusing To Remove Books” #BookBans #LGBTQ+
How librarians, kids and the country are paying for the ongoing rancor #NPR #Libraries #BookBans
"We are allowing [#military] recruiters into #schools where kids can sign on the dotted line, but they can't read about actual service members and soldiers' experiences." #books #libraries #BookBans
#military #schools #books #libraries #bookbans
“According to the American Library Association (ALA), people made 1,269 demands to censor #library books & resources in 2022 alone. That number is nearly double the 729 book-banning attempts the ALA reported for 2021” #bookbans #LGBTQ+
”In a new report, Booklash: Literary Freedom, Online Outrage, and the Language of Harm, PEN America warns that social media blowback and societal outrage are imposing new moral litmus tests on books and authors, chilling literary expression and fueling a dangerous trend of self-censorship that is shrinking writers’ creative freedom and imagination.”
#bibliotek #libraries #GoodReads #BookBans #literature #FreeExpression #SocMed
#bibliotek #libraries #goodreads #bookbans #literature #freeexpression #socmed
So many times I have typed out a toot, but I have no idea how to put my frustrations into words. I counsel during the day, see these kiddos and I can't help but wonder what school is going to be like without freedom to read books, without inclusion or diversity, not being able to identify exactly as they are, with the downright lies being told about history, not having SEL, taking mental health out of schools. These moms for liberty speak to parental freedoms, but freedoms for which children? I do not like the direction we are going in this country and every day I have to turn off the news for my own mental health care. I know my responsibility is to each of my clients and that is my focus. I will advocate when and where I can. However in this red state, it is falling on deaf ears. I can't even think what will happen if we get any of the GOP candidates in office. #therapy #counseling #counselingofmastodon #psychology #socialwork #bookBans #mentalhealth #therapists #counselors
#therapy #counseling #counselingofmastodon #psychology #socialwork #bookbans #mentalhealth #therapists #counselors
#BookBans The idea of removing the bible, regardless of its lascivious language, was more than conservative taxpayers in the district were able to countenance. They backed down to save the bible.
Cormac McCarthy
Cykl: Pasażer
Tom 1
W 1980 roku trzydziestosiedmioletni Bobby Western ma za sobą karierę kierowcy rajdowego i wciąż nie może pogodzić się z utratą ukochanej siostry oraz śmiercią ojca, uczestnika Projektu Manhattan. Pracując jako nurek głębinowy zostaje wezwany na miejsce katastrofy wartego trzy miliony dolarów niewielkiego samolotu. Odkrywa brak czarnej skrzynki, torby pilota i ciała jednego z pasażerów. Ktoś musiał być tu wcześniej. Co dziwne, media milczą o wypadku, mieszkanie Bobby’ego zostaje przeszukane, a konto bankowe zablokowane. Agenci federalni depczą mu po piętach. W co się wpakował? Czy ta sprawa ma coś wspólnego z zawikłaną historią jego rodziny?
Czym jest nasza rzeczywistość? Sensacyjna fabuła wciąga nas w znacznie bardziej skomplikowaną intelektualną grę. Thriller, powieść egzystencjalna, mroczny dramat o uwikłaniu w miłość oraz dziedzictwie winy, któremu patronują Szekspir i greckie mity.
Po latach milczenia wybitny amerykański prozaik, laureat Nagrody Pulitzera i autor kultowej Drogi powraca z mistrzowską dylogią. Pasażer i Stella Maris są jak dwie strony lustra, a prawda jednej powieści zdaje się zaprzeczać prawdziwości drugiej.
#ksiazki #książki #ebook #kindle #epub #mobi #book #BookBans @ksiazki
#bookbans #book #mobi #epub #kindle #ebook #ksiazki
#Obama has officially come out against the "profoundly misguided" #bookbans in public school libraries #propaganda #wokies
#obama #bookbans #propaganda #wokies