Rare books #shelfie to say happy weekend to you all!
Delightful bindings, some with extensive handwritten titles: it is an invigorating experience to stand in front of shelves like these, every time again.
Pics of 16th-18th-century bindings from visits to York Minster library (1), Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel (2) and the Wren Library, Trinity College, Cambridge (3).
#BookBindings #medieval #printing #RareBooks #libraries @histodons @book_historia
#shelfie #bookbindings #medieval #printing #rarebooks #libraries
Damaged books can be quite pleasing, visually, or perhaps that is just me. Also, this particular damage reveals a tiny fragment of a medieval book hidden inside a 16th-century bookbinding. Binders of this era would recycle old fashioned manuscripts and used them as support material. (LocarnoBM MdS2Ca3). Zoom and more info: https://fragmentarium.ms/overview/F-sydv. #books #BookBindings #medieval #ManuscriptFragment #history #manuscript
#books #bookbindings #medieval #manuscriptfragment #history #manuscript