The selfish gene theory, popularized by Richard Dawkins, is not the only way to explain evolution. A new book by biologist David Sloan Wilson argues that natural selection operates at multiple levels, from genes to groups, and that cooperation is as important as competition. The book also challenges some of the cultural and political implications of the selfish gene idea, and offers a more nuanced and holistic view of life. #evolution #selfishgene #bookbite
#evolution #selfishgene #bookbite
How can we communicate effectively in a polarized world? That’s the question that Sally Susman explore in her new book Breaking Through. She offers practical tips and strategies to break through the barriers of bias and misinformation and to engage in respectful dialogue with people who disagree with us.
#breakingthrough #communication #bookbite
Language is not just a tool for communication but also a code that shapes our thoughts, actions, and identities. According to linguist Viorica Marian, language codes can transform our minds and influence others. Learning to switch between different codes allows us to adapt to any situation and express ourselves more effectively.
#languagepower #codeswitching #bookbite