In a rare instance (ba dum tiss) of timely insight, I've changed instances to #hcommons before making too many posts! I suppose reintroductions are in order.
I'm a PhD candidate studying the sociology and structure of the #RareBookTrade specifically focusing on #manuscripts , #fragmentology , and #bookbreaking. Here's hoping those tags fill up more! My background is in #materiality and #ManuscriptStudies, and I'm a private librarian by day. Part of #medievodons and #BookHistodons. I mostly post about #HeritageCrime of various forms, plus some photographic experimentation (and cats, of which I have two).
Pleased to meet you all!
#HeritageCrime #bookhistodons #medievodons #manuscriptstudies #materiality #bookbreaking #fragmentology #manuscripts #RareBookTrade #hcommons