RT @Kerria
The 16th century Ripley Scroll is an alchemical manuscript that describes the production of the Philosopher’s Stone.
Yale University Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Digital Images
#faustianfriday #bookchatweekly
#FaustianFriday #bookchatweekly
RT @cosmiccorner18
"I was raised among books, making invisible friends in pages that seemed cast from dust and whose smell I carry on my hands to this day.." 📚💖🦉
- Carlos Ruiz Zafón
#BookTwitter #BookChatWeekly
"he spoke one word…He was the Evil One; the name seemed to be taken up by the echoes and repeated from rock to rock and crag to crag; the whole air seemed full of that one word; and then a great horror of darkness came about us"
— 'Sandy the Tinker' (1882) #BookChatWeekly 5/5
#gothic #literature #fiction #history #story #victorian #horror #fantasy #histodons #bookstodon
#bookchatweekly #gothic #literature #fiction #history #story #victorian #horror #fantasy #histodons #bookstodon
"he spoke one word…He was the Evil One; the name seemed to be taken up by the echoes and repeated from rock to rock and crag to crag; the whole air seemed full of that one word; and then a great horror of darkness came about us"
— 'Sandy the Tinker' (1882) #BookChatWeekly 5/5
#gothic #literature #fiction #history #story #victorian #horror #fantasy #histodons #bookstodon
#bookchatweekly #gothic #literature #fiction #history #story #victorian #horror #fantasy #histodons #bookstodon
#FaustianFriday In 'Gabriel-Ernest' (Hector Hugh Munro, aka Saki, 1909) a man takes in a teenager he finds lounging by a pool in the woods after learning the boy lives outdoors, feeding on wildlife and - so the boy claims - children who stray into his path at night #BookChatWeekly 1/2
#gothic #literature #fiction #history #story #victorian #horror #fantasy #histodons #bookstodon
#faustianfriday #bookchatweekly #gothic #literature #fiction #history #story #victorian #horror #fantasy #histodons #bookstodon
So here’s some Keats @EllenEnders@twitter.com @cincity631@twitter.com @HCandler@twitter.com !!
RT @AndreaCheetham@twitter.com
... St Agnes? Ah it is St Agnes Eve -
Yet men will murder upon holy days:
Thou must hold water in a witches sieve,
And be liege-lord of all the Elves and Fays ...
~ Keats, Eve of St Agnes
#EveOfStAgnes #Keats
🎨 J E Millais https://t.co/bIHg7jgA8A
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AndreaCheetham/status/1614723408180158465
#eveofstagnes #Keats #ofdarkandmacabre #bookchatweekly
#Bechstein s Märchen schon etwas düster und voller Natur-Folklore
RT @DirkPuehl@twitter.com
"There dwell dark powers
Deep in the mountain’s womb
And during the Twelve Nights
Hell lets them all loose" (Bechstein)
🎨 Alfred Kubin "Rauhnächte" (Twelve Nights, c 1925)
#ofdarkandmacabre #bookchatweekly
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DirkPuehl/status/1609610568398159884
#bechstein #ofdarkandmacabre #bookchatweekly
#WyrdWednesday “What do you think that is?” she asked me, again pointing with her stick; “that, where those cobwebs are?”
“I can’t guess what it is, ma’am.”
“It’s a great cake. A bride-cake. Mine!”
- Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
🎞️Great Expectations, 1946 #BookChatWeekly
#WyrdWednesday #bookchatweekly
RT @DirkPuehl@twitter.com
"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity." (Yeats)
Yaroslav Gerzhedovich
#ofdarkandmacabre #bookchatweekly
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DirkPuehl/status/1594658146336874496
#ofdarkandmacabre #bookchatweekly