Looking for #bookkeepers and #VirtualAssistants
I'm developing a product for #administration and #bookkeeping for #SmallBusinesses and #Freelancers! I'm researching the biggest pain-points and inneficiencies within niches. Your expertise is crucial to finding a fitting solution to actual problems.
The (Open Source) software will improve collab with your clients, and reduce their workload.
If you think you can help, please DM, or reply. Or forward it to people you think can help.
#freelancers #smallbusinesses #bookkeeping #administration #virtualassistants #bookkeepers
Any #bookkeepers in here yet? How many words do you know with three double letters consecutively?:blobcatdizzy: :blobhaj_md:
Any #bookkeepers in here yet? How many words do you know with three double letters consecutively?:blobcatdizzy: :blobhaj_md: