TIL in a rude manner about the #BookOfEsther in the Post-Modern Testament. It pronounces that; When a man replies to a post, with interesting facts about #science that are not common knowledge, and evidently unknown to the poster, it is called ‘explaining’ if the poster is a man, but #mansplaining when the poster is not. ✅
#bookofesther #Science #mansplaining
This is a great primer and exegesis on #Purim by @swordsjew. This is a snippet, but I highly recommend reading the whole thing.
#judaism #jewish #hamantashen #jews #vengeance #bookofesther #holidays #jewishholiday #jewishholidays
#jewishholidays #jewishholiday #holidays #bookofesther #Vengeance #jews #hamantashen #jewish #judaism #purim