Book of Hours, by Weather Factory. "Like Cultist Simulator, but without all the dying."
#BookOfHours #BookOfHoursGame #WeatherFactory #Arcane #GamesWithSpreadsheets #Madness
#bookofhours #bookofhoursgame #weatherfactory #arcane #gameswithspreadsheets #madness
I'm not obsessed. I don't have a spreadsheet. Maybe YOU have a spreadsheet. OK. I have a spreadsheet. But I'm definitely not paranoid.
Book of Hours, by Weather Factory. "Like Cultist Simulator, but without all the dying." Literally insane.
#BookOfHours #BookOfHoursGame #WeatherFactory #Arcane #GamesWithSpreadsheets #Madness
#bookofhours #bookofhoursgame #weatherfactory #arcane #gameswithspreadsheets #madness
Finished writing my first history in #bookofhours. Love the writing, although endgame was a major slog of waiting for the right language tutors to show up and then waiting longer for Numa.
@gregtitus my Hush House so far... (my Journal is Feather-decked) #BookOfHours
Замечательные допы, конечно, для Book Of Hours (хотя не уверен, что буду разбирать).
По игре немного продвинулся, получил каморку в качестве жилья. Там кровать, стол, чайник... Всё, что надо.
#игры #BookOfHours
50 or so odd hours later, got my 1st victory in Book of Hours.
The game really scratched a particular brain-worm I have for sorting books/crafting mechanics.
Was really enjoyable, and I'll probably go back for another run later where I actually take notes next time. Definitely fumbled my way to victory a bit, but a good time regardless.
🔴Le stream du dimanche va bientôt commencer. Aujourd'hui, on va découvrir The Last Faith (playtest), Book of Hours et on terminera avec Underrail si on a le temps.
#bookofhours #thelastfaith #underrail
Book of Hours scratches a *very* particular brain itch for me. As a result, when I wasn’t out dancing/with friends, it devoured what was left of my time this weekend.
Game gets a big recommendation from me if you like:
- Spooky occult theming
- Fiddly opaque (by design) gameplay loops that are made to be poked and prodded to fully understand
- Black-box understanding of weird systems
- Imagining secluding yourself away from the world with tea and books
Where did the weekend go?
I just launched up #BookOfHours on Friday after work, and now, five minutes later, it's Sunday evening already?
(Joking aside, I can't praise this game enough. It's an absolute masterpiece imho.)
After playing #BookOfHours for two hours (no pun intended), I must say, I'm captivated.
The pacing is quite a bit slower than in #CultistSimulator, but the atmosphere is there, together with the love for details, and the excellent storytelling.
#bookofhours #cultistsimulator
ooooh Book of Hours is out!
lovecraftian horror, from the creators of Cultist Simulator, which sucked me in and didn't let go for quite awhile!! Been waiting for this one :)
#bookofhours #videogames #cultistsimulator #releaseday
Goodbye, #BaldursGate3.
Hello, #BookOfHours.
(No, I haven't finished BG3 yet, actually far from it. However, I can't see myself spending much time on it any more, after Book of Hours gets released...)
excited to check out book of hours in a couple of days, but likely won't be able to enjoy it for a number of months (post concussion syndrome is affecting me hard).
First Danish #BookOfHours has been added to #Cokldb in Lund Universirt Medeltidshandskrift 35, aka the Karen Ludvigsdatters Tidebog. Undecorated, except for a few crude penwork initials, mostly at the start of an office (see start of the Joys of the BVM on f.66r below)
#Medieval #Medievodons @medievodons
#medievodons #medieval #CoKLDB #bookofhours
There are a lot of interesting titles becoming available to play in August - here are the five I'm most excited about.
#Blaugust2023 #ShareYourGames #NerdGirlThoughts #IndieGames #WordFactori #StrayGods #Palia #Desynced #BookOfHours
#blaugust2023 #shareyourgames #nerdgirlthoughts #indiegames #wordfactori #straygods #palia #desynced #bookofhours
On the weekend I dug out #CultistSimulator again, to get in the mood for #BookOfHours, which is going to be released soon.
I'm absolutely hooked again. The storytelling and world building in Cultist Simulator is just amazing.
If Book Of Hours comes in any way close to that, it might become my favourite game of 2023.
#cultistsimulator #bookofhours
Added a first #BookOfHours from the Huis van het boek in The Hague, via, MMW 10 F 14.
Made in Flanders, but Use of Rome, it dates to the start of the 16th C. It is heavily decorated, with both Ghent-Bruges (Squashed bug) borders, and full page miniatures (see the Jesse Tree on f.11v).
#Medieval #Medievodons
#medievodons #medieval #bookofhours
Added a first #BookOfHours from the Huis van het boek in The Hague, via, MMW 10 F 14.
Made in Flanders, but Use of Rome, it dates to the start of the 16th C. It is heavily decorated, with both Ghent-Bruges (Squashed bug) borders, and full page miniatures (see the Jesse Tree on f.11v).
#Medieval #Medievodons
#medievodons #medieval #bookofhours
It's been a while, but I added another #BookOfHours to #CoKLDB, this one #Vatican Chig.C.IV.112
Use of Angers, mid 15th C, it has several later additions in both Latin and French. The miniatures are sadly in a poor state, see f.75r below.
The calendar has 215 extremely accurate entries: 1 shifted, 1 error, fixed, and 1 unknown. Several unique feasts, including Octave of Renatus of Angeres, localize it.
@medievodons @bookhistodons #Medieval #Medievodons
#medievodons #medieval #vatican #CoKLDB #bookofhours