i will study my #BookOfMormon today. for real.
actually i will do it for 30 minutes right now.
won't be able to pull off seminary classes if i don't commit to study.
cracking open "Between the Covers of the Book of Mormon". RLDS publication from 1944. was recommended (by a person who was a child in 1944)
he actually read it first, in early high school, before reading the RLDS Authorized Version.
so here we go. i'll report back
"the leaves [of the golden plates] were plates of metal of a whitish yellow color"
- David Whitmer, one of the three witnesses of the #BookofMormon
(Reflector, 1831; cited in Brown, "Plates of Gold")
According to David Whitmer (one of the Three Witnesses),
"about one-third of [the golden plates] appeared to be loose" — the remaining portion being sealed.
(Chicago Times, 1881; cited in Brown, "Plates on Gold") #BookofMormon
keeping up with passage of time and scripture is kind of wild. and yes, in the Bible and BoM, it is noted, often by generations, which can still be confusing.
doing scripture reading in Omni in the #BookOfMormon and I got hit with "320 years of past since Lehi and Sariah left Jerusalem..." and had to backtrack.
i know that CoC leadership took out a lot of the "and it came to pass(es)" but y'know maybe they ARE necessary lol. either that, or i should be paying closer attention.
Here's a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find Daniel’s full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/danieljohnson/.
There are over a hundred more stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by exmormons like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
#mormon #lds #ldschurch #exmormon #exmo #iwasamormon #faith #crisis #deconstruction #transition #postmormon #josephsmith #bookofmormon #doubt #questions #leaving #church
#church #leaving #questions #doubt #bookofmormon #josephsmith #postmormon #transition #deconstruction #crisis #faith #iwasamormon #exmo #exmormon #ldschurch #lds #mormon
Deacon Beckwith: "Mr. Smith, do you not think that you may be deceived about that Record [the golden plates], which your brother pretends to have found?"
Hyrum Smith (one of the Eight Witnesses): "No, sir, I do not."
(History, Lucy Mack Smith)
#MattDoyle, #TonyAward winner for the revival of #Company, has been cast as #FrankSinatra in the new bio-musical about the life of the singer title "Sinatra the Musical". The show is set to open for a month-long trial run in Birmingham, England on September 23 with eyes toward an eventual #Broadway engagement. Doyle's credits include #BookOfMormon, #SpringAwakening and #WarHorse.
#mattdoyle #tonyaward #company #franksinatra #broadway #bookofmormon #springawakening #warhorse
Does #DNA disprove the #BookofMormon?
#LDS #mormons #mormonism #religion #christian #scams #cult
#dna #bookofmormon #lds #mormons #mormonism #religion #christian #scams #cult
I will get into the part on the Book of Jacob in the #BookOfMormon after further study.
for right now, i know that the gathering and scattering of israel is compared to dissemination of the tame olive tree through planting of young branches and graphing the daughter branches back to the original tree. i will be using the metaphor to talk about the branches of the Restoration and how we can come together and engage peacefully, lovingly, and ecumenically. and why that's important
Joseph Smith Confessed His Seer Stone Is Nonsense
#mormon #lds #exmormon #josephsmith #seerstone #folkmagic #bookofmormon #church #lies #postmormon #iwasamormon
#iwasamormon #postmormon #lies #church #bookofmormon #folkmagic #seerstone #josephsmith #exmormon #lds #mormon
Church Historians Attempt Normalizing Strange Seer Stone In Hat Translation Method
#josephsmith #mormon #lds #seerstone #bookofmormon #prophet #exmormon #exmo #faith #church #churchhistory
#churchhistory #church #faith #exmo #exmormon #prophet #bookofmormon #seerstone #lds #mormon #josephsmith
Church Historians Attempt Normalizing Strange Seer Stone In Hat Translation Method
#josephsmith #mormon #lds #seerstone #bookofmormon #prophet #exmormon #exmo #faith #church #churchhistory
#churchhistory #church #faith #exmo #exmormon #prophet #bookofmormon #seerstone #lds #mormon #josephsmith
Joseph Fielding Smith taught the Seer Stone Not Used for Book of Mormon Translation
#mormon #exmormon #josephsmith #josephfieldingsmith #seerstone #bookofmormon #lds #exmo
#exmo #lds #bookofmormon #seerstone #josephfieldingsmith #josephsmith #exmormon #mormon
“In reality, most of us use a seer stone every day. My mobile phone is like a seer stone... I can even translate anything into or from many different languages!” – Elder Uchtdorf, Mormon Apostle
https://wasmormon.org/elder-uchtdorf-compares-peep-stone-to-his-smartphone/ #mormon #lds #exmormon #exmo #elderuchtdorf #seerstone #josephsmith #bookofmormon #shelfbreaker
#shelfbreaker #bookofmormon #josephsmith #seerstone #elderuchtdorf #exmo #exmormon #lds #mormon
i have to put on a presentation on Christian Zionism for my #BookOfMormon group.
seems unconnected but it makes sense. everyone at the small studied did seem to understand the apartheid in Israel and the continued occupation and colonialism in #Palestine.
so, that is promising. idk how it will go in the big group so we will see.
I can’t read “Uganda” without hearing it in my head as Elder Cunningham. “Ugaaaanda?” #BookOfMormon
Skeptoid #43: A Mormon History of the Americas by Brian Dunning #mormon #bookofmormon #religion #creation #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot The Book of Mormon's history of the Americas is full of irreconcilable errors and false archaeology.
#mormon #bookofmormon #religion #creation #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
the #BookOfMormon is empowering this way.
like revelation is for all of us. experiencing the Living Breathing God is there for all of us, if we should so choose to partake.
"29 Those that diligently seek answers will find them. 30 Mysteries will be shown to those seekers by the power of the Spirit, just as it was done in times of old; 31 this will also be the case in the future. 32 In this way, God’s interactions are like a cycle." 1 Nephi 3:29-32
"I was a mormon. The testable truth claims that need to be true for the Book of Mormon to be true are not true. A study of history and science wins out." Jayme
Read Jayme’s story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/jaymewheeler94/
#exmo #exmormon #science #religion #history #lds #bookofmormon #church #leavingreligion #mormon #evidence #truth
#truth #evidence #mormon #leavingreligion #church #bookofmormon #lds #history #religion #science #exmormon #exmo