Spencer Ruchti, a bookseller from Third Place Books in Seattle is a founder of a new prize for translation, and it has a couple of interesting features, the jury is made up of independent booksellers and the selection of books isn't done by submission, but organic discovery.
#bookprize #reading #translation #literature
Australasian authors of historical fiction:
Entries close June 14, 2023 for the $100,000 ARA Historical Novel Prize. Run by the Historical Novel Society Australasia (HNSA) categories include Adult and CYA and are open to traditional and self-published authors.
#Australia #NewZealand #HistoricalFiction #HistoricalFiction Author #CreativeAustralia #AustralianAuthors #AustralianWriters #BoldAuthors #HNS #HNSA #BookPrize #AuthorPrizes #WritingCompetition #WritingCommunity #AuthorsofMastodon
#selfPublishing #IndieAuthor #IndieAuthors
#australia #newzealand #historicalfiction #creativeaustralia #australianauthors #australianwriters #boldauthors #hns #hnsa #bookprize #authorprizes #writingcompetition #writingcommunity #authorsofmastodon #amwriting #selfpublishing #indieauthor #indieauthors
#IndieAuthorNews #News #AbuDhabi #AbuDhabiArabicLanguageCenter #Arabic #BookPrize #DrAliBinTamim #Translation #Translators #UnitedArabEmirates
Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre Forms Its 2023 Scientific Committee
The 10-person scientific committee constituted for this year by the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre is led by Dr. Ali Bin Tamim.
The post Abu Dhabi Arabic Language C...
#indieauthornews #news #abudhabi #abudhabiarabiclanguagecenter #arabic #bookprize #dralibintamim #translation #translators #unitedarabemirates
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #BookPrize #Canada #CanadaReads #Fiction #Television #WordstoScreen
CBC’s ‘Canada Reads’ Returns, Featuring ‘Station Eleven’
The long-running literary debate show, 'Canada Reads,' is set to air March 27 to 30 this year, seeking to 'shift your perspective.'
The post CBC’s ‘Canada Reads’ Returns, Featuring ‘Station Eleven’ appeared first on Publishing Perspectives.
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #bookprize #canada #canadareads #fiction #television #wordstoscreen
#IndieAuthorNews #Trade #bookprize #BritishBookAwards #News #Nibbies #publishingawards #TheBookSeller
British Book Awards 2023: Almost 50 Jurors Now Chosen
The 2023 edition of the British Book Awards in London names 47 jurors to the task of choosing this year’s ‘Nibbies’ winners. The post British Book Awards 2023: Almost 50 Jurors Now Chosen appeared first on Publishing Perspectives....
#indieauthornews #trade #bookprize #britishbookawards #news #nibbies #publishingawards #thebookseller
#IndieAuthorNews #News #Authors #BookPrize #Bookstores #BritishBookAwards #Illustrators #Nibbies #PhilipJones #PublishingAwards #TheBookseller #UnitedKingdom
British Book Awards2023: Almost 50 Jurors Now Chosen
The 2023 edition of the British Book Awards in London names 47 jurors to the task of choosing this year's 'Nibbies' winners.
The post British Book Awards2023: Al...
#indieauthornews #news #authors #bookprize #bookstores #britishbookawards #illustrators #nibbies #philipjones #publishingawards #thebookseller #unitedkingdom
#IndieAuthorNews #Trade #bookprize #DamonGalgut #Fiction #Ireland #News #Nonfiction #Poetry #SouthAfrica
England’s Rathbones Folio Prize Announces 2023 Shortlists
Drawn from an international field of writers working in English, the Rathbones Folio Prize shortlists add up to 15 titles. The post England’s Rathbones Folio Prize Announces 2023 Shortlists appeared first on Publishing Persp...
#indieauthornews #trade #bookprize #damongalgut #fiction #ireland #news #nonfiction #poetry #southafrica
#IndieAuthorNews #News #BookPrize #DamonGalgut #Fiction #Ireland #Nonfiction #Poetry #RathbonesFolioPrize #SouthAfrica #TheFolioPrize #UnitedKingdom
England’s Rathbones Folio Prize Names Its 2023 Shortlists
Drawn from an international field of writers working in English, the Rathbones shortlists add up to 15 titles.
The post England’s Rathbones Folio P...
#indieauthornews #news #bookprize #damongalgut #fiction #ireland #nonfiction #poetry #rathbonesfolioprize #southafrica #thefolioprize #unitedkingdom
#IndieAuthorNews #News #Albertine #AlbertinePrize #BookPrize #France #Translation #TranslationFunding #Translators #UnitedStates
The Villa Albertine Translation Prizes: Sorrente, Green, Meziane, Adjemian
Albertines' 'Villa Albertine' program issues its first awards for French literature translated into English, with funding for publication.
The post The Villa Albertine Transla...
#indieauthornews #news #albertine #albertineprize #bookprize #france #translation #translationfunding #translators #unitedstates
#IndieAuthorNews #Marketing #BolognaBookPlus #BolognaChildrensBookFair #BolognaRagazziAwards #Bookfairs #bookprize #Childrensbooks #ElenaPasoli #Greece
Bologna Book Fair: 2023 Ragazzi Awards
The 2023 Bologna Ragazzi Awards, which honors illustrated children’s books, attracted 2,349 entries from 644 publishers in 59 countries. The post Bologna Book Fair: 2023 Ragazzi Awards appeared first on Publishing Persp...
#indieauthornews #marketing #bolognabookplus #bolognachildrensbookfair #bolognaragazziawards #bookfairs #bookprize #childrensbooks #elenapasoli #greece
#IndieAuthorNews #News #AbuDhabi #AbuDhabiArabicLanguageCenter #Arabic #BookPrize #BritishCentreforLiteraryTranslation #DrAliBinTamim #NationalCentreforWriting
Sheikh Zayed Book Award Translation Program Returns for 2023
The Sheikh Zayed Book Award-sponsored program runs July 23-t0-29 in association with the British Centre for Literary Translation.
The post Sheikh Zayed Book Award Tra...
#indieauthornews #news #abudhabi #abudhabiarabiclanguagecenter #arabic #bookprize #britishcentreforliterarytranslation #dralibintamim #nationalcentreforwriting
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #BolognaBookPlus #BolognaChildrensBookFair #BolognaLicensingTradeFairKids #BolognaRagazziAwards #BookFairs #BookPrize #ChildrensBooks #EIBF #ElenaPasoli #Greece
Bologna Children’s Book Fair: 2023 Ragazzi Awards
The 2023 Bologna Ragazzi Awards Attracted 2,349 titles entered by 644 publishers in 59 international book publishing markets.
The post Bologna Children’s Book Fai...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #bolognabookplus #bolognachildrensbookfair #bolognalicensingtradefairkids #bolognaragazziawards #bookfairs #bookprize #childrensbooks #eibf #elenapasoli #greece
Thrilled and honoured that my book CONQUERING PEACE has won the 2023 Laura Shannon Prize in Contemporary European Studies!
Many thanks to the distinguished jury members and the Nanovic Institute for European Studies for this welcome recognition of the power of peace.
#peace #Europe #LauraShannonPrize #war #diplomacy #history #historymatters #award #BookPrize
#peace #europe #laurashannonprize #war #diplomacy #history #HistoryMatters #award #bookprize
#IndieAuthorNews #News #AhmedMahmoudIbrahim #BookPrize #Egypt #FreedomofExpression #FreedomtoPublish #InternationalPublishersAssociation #JamesTaylor #KristennEinarsson #PrixVoltaire
IPA States Its Concern for a Missing Egyptian Publisher
Kotopia's Ahmed Mahmoud Ibrahim, the International Publishers Association says, was detained in Riyadh in October.
The post IPA States Its Concern for ...
#indieauthornews #news #ahmedmahmoudibrahim #bookprize #egypt #freedomofexpression #freedomtopublish #internationalpublishersassociation #jamestaylor #kristenneinarsson #prixvoltaire
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #AbuDhabi #AbuDhabiArabicLanguageCenter #Algeria #Arabic #Authors #BookPrize #Egypt #Fiction #InternationalPrizeforArabicFiction #Jordan
The International Prize for Arabic Fiction’s 2023 Longlist
Nine markets are represented by the 16 longlisted books selected by the 2023 jury of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction.
The post The International Prize for...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #abudhabi #abudhabiarabiclanguagecenter #algeria #arabic #authors #bookprize #egypt #fiction #internationalprizeforarabicfiction #jordan
#IndieAuthorNews #News #Authors #BookPrize #BookerPrizeforFiction #BookerPrizes #Bookselling #Fiction #GabyWood #Literature #Rights #ShehanKarunatilaka #UnitedKingdom
England’s Booker Prize Asks Public To Name Its Trophy
The public is invited to propose names for the Booker's Jan Pieńkowski-designed trophy, then vote on a shortlist.
The post England’s Booker Prize Asks...
#indieauthornews #news #authors #bookprize #bookerprizeforfiction #bookerprizes #bookselling #fiction #gabywood #literature #rights #shehankarunatilaka #unitedkingdom
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #BolognaBookPlus #BolognaChildrensBookFair #BolognaLicensingTradeFairKids #BookFairs #BookPrize #ChildrensBooks #EIBF
Bologna’s 60th Book Fair: Illustrators Exhibition Winners
A total 21,725 illustrations by 4,345 participants were submitted from 91 nations for this year's Illustrators Exhibition honors at Bologna.
The post Bologna’s 60th Book Fair: I...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #bolognabookplus #bolognachildrensbookfair #bolognalicensingtradefairkids #bookfairs #bookprize #childrensbooks #eibf
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #BookPrize #BrsenvereindesDeutschenBuchhandels #Europe #GermanBookTradePeacePrize #Germany #SerhiyZhadan #Ukraine
German Book Trade Peace Prize: ‘Winter Aid for Ukraine’
As nominations open for the 2023 German Book Trade Peace Prize, the program joins in the 'Winter Aid Ukraine' campaign.
The post German Book Trade Peace Pri...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #bookprize #brsenvereindesdeutschenbuchhandels #europe #germanbooktradepeaceprize #germany #serhiyzhadan #ukraine
#IndieAuthorNews #News #BookPrize #BritishAcademyBookPrize #NayefAlRodhanPrize #Nonfiction #PoliticalBooks #TrueCrime #UnitedKingdom
Charles Tripp Chairs the British Academy’s £25,000 Book Prize Jury
The British Academy Book Prize for Global Cultural Understanding will name its winner in October. Publishers are submitting now.
The post Charles Tripp Chairs the Br...
#indieauthornews #news #bookprize #britishacademybookprize #nayefalrodhanprize #nonfiction #politicalbooks #truecrime #unitedkingdom
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Arabic #BanipalMagazineofModernArabLiterature #BanipalPrizeforArabicLiteraryTranslation #BookPrize #SocietyofAuthors #Translation #Translators
Translators Moger, Davies Win England’s Banipal Prize
The Banipal Prize jury opts to issue a joint award to translator Robin Moger and the late Humphrey Davies in the award's 2022 cycle.
The post Translators Moger, Davies W...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #arabic #banipalmagazineofmodernarabliterature #banipalprizeforarabicliterarytranslation #bookprize #societyofauthors #translation #translators