I think I had a good idea how to keep an overview of the “todos” in my #bookProject:
% place "TODO" in the margin, and
% add a "todos" index entry with the current section title
\define[1]\TODO{\inmargin{\color[red]{TODO}} \expanded{\todos{\structurevariable{title}}}\color[red]{\bf #1}}
\TODO{This is still empty!}
\placetodos % at the end of the book
#bookproject #Context #buchprojekt
RT @cjkodare@twitter.com
My book got an updated early release cover 🎉 This time with compliments of Microsoft ☁️ Looking forward to its publication this year! 😊
#azure #mvpbuzz #learningazure #bookproject
The first day in 2023 was very successful for me.
Completed one chapter and have written down a whole new one.
It went very intense in the end.
With the next chapter the first part of my book "Ameisenbären vs Aliens" will be concluded.