I regularly complain about stories that go on well after they should have ended and therefore get incredibly frustrating in how they repeat or undo previous storylines for drama and won't let any characters have satisfying growth arcs.
That said, there are two series that are definitely finished and don't need to continue that have upcoming sequels I *cannot wait* to read.
Anyone have similar areas of hypocritical feelings regarding books and other media?
1) How was your 2019 reading? Did you read the things you wanted to? Did you like the things you read? Anything in particular you would recommend or want to share from your reading?
2) Any reading goals or hopes for 2020? New things coming out that are already on your list? Topics you want to explore?
So, say you suddenly got the power to transform into any animal you can touch.
What one do you try first?
And, if it's different, what one do you *want* to try first but might require some time and planning?
Are there any book-based movies or TV shows you enjoy but that you have never read and probably aren't going to read? Which ones? Why not?
#BookPrompts Influential books day 2
Gonna get an embarrassing one out of the way right off. 😆
Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell
Ugh, I'm sorry. I don't recommend it. I *definitely* don't recommend reading more than one of his, or watching his videos. They're very same-y and it gets old and fake-feeling.
But my school's queer club read it together and it was the one that started me reading religious stuff and building my own faith, probably started me on the path to seminary. So, influential.
#BookPrompts - Books that influenced my worldview.
1 - Good Omens
Looking back on it, it doesn't even really say anything hugely controversial or new. But I was raised Baptist and it was a big deal at the time (early college). And it spoke to a lot of my concerns about the fairness of anybody being damned, how sin could even exist if God didn't want it, etc.
Just reading it was also a bit rebellious, one of the first things I bought I knew my mom wouldn't want me to have, so there's that.
June #BookPrompts mainly for myself but also whoever wants to join in.
Books that had a major influence on your worldview. Informing, challenging, outright tearing it down or introducing something completely new, etc.
I'm gonna try to do one a day.
"4 - If you *had* to, what fanfic do you think you could write on the spot right now?"
Magic: the Gathering - Planeswalker high school AU 😆
My partner and I recently got back into playing, I was not actually aware M:tG *had* an actual story, but now I just find the planeswalkers adorable and faascinating. Have a few decks planned that remind me of The Breakfast Club and it has me thinking "eh, yeah, I could definitely write that."
Almost certainly won't, though.
Looking forward to tomorrow with some #FanficFriday #BookPrompts because I have a long day ahead and need something nice to think about.
1 - What's the longest fanfic you've ever read?
2 - The shortest?
3 - What fanfic have you re-read the most times?
4 - If you *had* to, what fanfic do you think you could write on the spot right now?
@lapis My gritty teen drama adaptation picks
- Animorphs (I mean, it was always pretty gritty, but I think it could benefit from more focus on the teen drama aspects and the difficulties around doing a social life when a bunch of your classmates are actually possessed by alien invaders?)
- Harriet the Spy
- Batgirl of Burnside
- Jem & the Holograms (definitely the newer comic, not the cartoon or film)
- Lumberjanes
What sorts of fic did you read then?
Lots of just general slice of life things about groups I wanted to be in. So much X-Men: Evolution. So. Much. Also Animorphs and Harry Potter and lots of Clamp stuff (Clover, Magic Knight Rayearth, Card Captor Sakura).
There was some shipping, all gay, but mostly I just liked really fluffy group friendship scenes, with everyone especially in the villain groups just hanging out watching cartoons or something. So cute.
#FanficFriday #BookPrompts not all for today but for anyone to do whenever. Sometimes I want to talk in the tag but don't have any fics to share so figured this would help.
When did you start reading fanfic and what sorts of fics (fandom, style, whatever) did you read back then?
Have you ever written any?
What sorts of fic do you read now?
Do you ever read fic for fandoms you don't actually follow?
What do you like about fanfic?
#BookPrompts (I've stopped doing them by the month for now, I'll just post when I think of some. Feel free to add your own, as always.)
1. Books that have helped you better understand a social justice issue
2. Books that have become harder or less fun to read since becoming more aware of social justice issues
Answering my own "reading when you don't have the spoons to read" #BookPrompts :
Fanfic, I guess? You'd think comics, with how much I love them and the fact that they actually come in small monthly installments, but it actually takes more out of me to process images than words so they're often the first to go when I'm too tired or stressed.
But I can usually find some fanfic that's entertaining, reasonably well-written, and light enough not to require much from me.
What do you read when you don't actually have any time or energy left for fun but still want to read *something*?
January #BookPrompts Week 3: A book that makes you hopeful about the future.
Not so much a specific book and not actually *about* the future, but the rise of queerness in mainstream books fills me with so much hope and joy.
When I was a teen I had to really *search* for queer content. And then hide it from my family.
Now it's just literally everywhere. My mom watches queer stuff. My sister and I talk about how everything needs more lesbians. Life is good.
#BookPrompts Week 1 (a little late): New genre/book goals or reading practices for 2019
Thanks to Grady Hendrix I kind of want to read more horror. Like maybe if I just come across some of the books in Paperbacks from Hell out in the wild I'll check them out. And then I have an actual set goal of reading more non-fiction and more queer books.
But the biggest change is that I'm gonna try to keep a paper journal to record my progress and thoughts on books.
January #BookPrompts
Week 1 - New books/genres you want to read in 2019? New reading practices?
Week 2 - Good books about new beginnings or transitions?
Week 3 - A book that makes you hopeful about the future.
Week 4 - Go to page 20 of a book you're reading. Count down to the 19th sentence (move to the next page if necessary). What is that sentence?
#BookPrompts 2019 Reading Plans thread (the rest will be off public so I'm not just spamming)
Goal: 50 books (2 more than 2018)
More queer books.
More POC authors and characters.
More books that directly feed into my career goals and other passions. Pharmacy, health care, ministry, humanism. Especially things that combine those, like books on chaplaincy, end of life care, etc.
At least one poetry book? It's been quite awhile since I read poetry but I used to love it.
What's on your reading list for 2019?
Goals for number read, types of books, etc?
Any books you know you definitely want to read? Exciting new things coming out next year?
Any official or unofficial challenges?