It is Book Quote Wednesday and the word is 'over'. In The Tangled Lands by Glenda Larke, this is how Taygen, one of the main protagonists, introduces himself. #BookQW
It's book quote Wednesday and the word is OVER. Zaran suspects the evacuees are going to have a rough trip. Not started this series yet? Book three of this series is due out very soon, so why not give it a try? Free introductory novella available on my website #bookqw
It's Book Quote Wednesday! This week's word is OVER, and here's a snippet from my cozy fantasy rom-com Claws & Contrivances: #bookqw
The audiobook Kickstarter launched TODAY!
I'm getting an early start on #BookQW and today's word is 'over'. Perhaps Nimue should have kept a closer eye on Morgana...
The Cleaving is a female-focused Arthurian retelling, where the women of the legends fight to control their own destinies.
Buy from your preferred vendor. For reviews on Amazon UK
#writing #WritingCommunity #SFF #Fantasy #EpicFantasy #KingArthur
#bookqw #writing #writingcommunity #sff #fantasy #epicfantasy #kingarthur
I'm getting an early start on #BookQW and today's word is 'over'. Dan Mackmain will find a much bigger challenge than a squirrel before this adventure is done.
Modern fantasy rooted in the ancient myths and folklore of the British Isles. Widely available, so check with your preferred vendor. To see readers reviews, check out AMZ UK
#bookqw #books #sff #fantasy #urbanfantasy #writing
Meanwhile, in my cozy fantasy rom-com Claws & Contrivances, Rose Tregarth knows there's a lost & frightened creature hiding behind abandoned furniture in her new home, but she's about to be VERY SURPRISED when she figures out what it really is! #bookqw #romance
It's Book Quote Wednesday! And in my MG epic fantasy novel The Raven Throne, warrior and would-be knight Rosalind is having a difficult time adjusting to the VERY DIFFERENT expectations of her at Corvenne's royal court, now that she's a princess... #bookqw
It's book quote Wednesday and the word is take/took.
"Due to a planetary emergency ... all ships should take the substream back to Bendos immediately."
You don't know what the emergency is that's led to evacuating Meridiana? Get the book and find out!
#bookqw #cosysf #spaceopera #spaceadventure #bookstagram #newbooks
#bookqw #cosysf #spaceopera #spaceadventure #bookstagram #newbooks
Meanwhile, in my cozy fantasy rom-com Claws & Contrivances, Rose Tregarth is worrying about her lovable but DEEPLY impractical new family and their crumbling home: #bookqw #romance
It's Book Quote Wednesday! This week's word is TAKE, and in my MG epic fantasy The Raven Throne, Prince Giles of Corvenne is dealing with an unexpected hedgehog in his bedchamber: #bookqw #fantasy
It's Book Quote Wednesday, and the word is 'take'. #bookqw
Morgana doesn't see why she should be a pawn in men's games. Now she has magic, she's taken control of her own life.
The Cleaving is a fresh, female-centered Arthurian retelling, widely available. For Amz UK reviews
#bookqw #sff #fantasy #books #bookstodon #writingcommunity
It's Book Quote Wednesday, and the word is 'take'. #BookQW If Dan Mackmain's going to find out why the hidden spirits of the Fens aren't talking, he's going to have to take a few chances.
Contemporary fantasy rooted in British folklore. Widely available. For reviews on Amazon UK
What's this? Find the week's word in your work and share a quote that you like. All writers are welcome to join in, and readers can follow up on snippets that catch their interest.
For many months, I tracked all the day-of-week hashtags I encountered. In case you were looking for any new day-of-week hashtags to follow on Mastodon...
[Edit: thx, @purplepadma!]
#Fotomontag #lyricalmonday #mondaymotivation #Mondog #musicmonday #mythologymonday #Photomonday #tgvtuesday #thicktrunktuesday #bookqw #humpday #waterfallwednesday #wednesdog #werewolfwednesday #wipwednesday #thiccsquirrelthursday #thirstythursday #throwbackthursday #toebeantuesday #whiskerswednesday
And in Claws and Contrivances, Rose Tregarth and her cousins are debating what to do with the dragon Rose just found hiding in their buttery: #bookqw #romance
It's Book Quote Wednesday! This week's word is FAIL, and in The Raven Throne, Rosalind is determined NOT to fail again:
It is Book Quote Wednesday and the word is 'fail'. In Generation Nemesis by Sean McMullen, Jason Hall describes how his attempts to warn the word about climate change fell on deaf ears. #BookQW
This Book Quote Wednesday, the word is 'fail'. Nimue learns Uther Pendragon will do whatever it takes to win. That's why he's so dangerous. #BookQW
The Cleaving is a female-focused Arthurian retelling. Nimue, Ygraine, Morgana, and Guinevere fight to control their own destinies.
#Books #Bookstodon #SFF #Fantasy #EpicFantasy
Find the week's word in your own work and post your favourite quote. All are welcome to join in.
#bookqw #books #bookstodon #sff #fantasy #epicfantasy
Book Quote Wednesday
word of the week is #battle
from #DeadlyCourtship
Jasper's grief hit him like a wave. He could feel Ingrid watching him and tasted the acid tang of her disapproval. He kept his attention fixed on Bernard's body, and sang even louder.
As he and Ophelia had learned long ago, trying to please their family was a hopeless battle. Only Bernard had ever welcomed him on his own terms, and now Bernard was gone.
#BookQW #bookquotes #amreadingromance #FantasyRomance #ebook #bookish
#bookish #ebook #fantasyromance #amreadingromance #bookquotes #bookqw #deadlycourtship #battle
And for a very different family's take on's a #bookqw snippet from Chapter One of my cozy fantasy rom-com Claws & Contrivances:
It is Book Quote Wednesday and the word is 'battle'. In A Dark Way to Glory by Chaz Brenchley, Elisande is worried, and with good reason. #BookQW