back in the day there were book scanners. what i want is something that will gently support a book for a moment and allow it to be lit well, but i can use my phone or SLR for the actual photo. there are books i don't want to jam onto a flatbed because they're twice as old as me and i don't want to damage them. ideas?
#BookScanner #BookPhotography
Did you ever wonder how books are scanned?
I’ve been researching on the topic of #digitizing #books for a while (but thankfully not added it to my list of half-finished projects).
My favorite is this awesome #linear #bookscanner, the love child of a flatbed scanner, a vacuum cleaner, and a meat slicer:
(yes, 3, no kinkshaming)
#digitizing #books #linear #bookscanner
Ce vendredi et samedi, série de mini-présentations de projets Open Source Open Course par étudiant·e·s et praticien·ne·s.
Scan Party avec le #BookScanner fraîchement construit par les étudiant·e·s pendant les portes ouvertes de l'Erg.