The world is wide and full of wonders
Fleeing her country in order to save it, Princess Jade of Sharren discovers a greater threat.
Song of Jade: Red Wolf is now available at all major ebook vendors:
You can also Buy Direct from my website:
More information on the Tales of Ardonna, including world maps, can be found there
#Bookstodon #Booksodon #BooksOfMastodon #books #FantasyBook
#SFF #Debut
#debut #sff #fantasybook #books #BooksofMastodon #booksodon #bookstodon
Greetings Fantasy Book Lovers!
It's August which means promo month for my September release.
Song of Jade: Red Wolf is the first Dragon Age prequel to the Woodspell Series. It's the closest I've come to a traditional fantasy adventure setting.
Full blurb & cover (plus info on the other Tales of Ardonna) can be found at:
Flyer & book tree are attached
#Bookstodon #Booksodon #books #BooksOfMastodon #fantasy #FantasyBook #Reading #bookworm
#bookworm #reading #fantasybook #fantasy #BooksofMastodon #books #booksodon #bookstodon
Just finished Martha Wells' latest fantasy novel, The Witch-King. Overall, an enjoyable time. 4/5 ⭐ Would keep reading if I didn't run out of pages.
#booksodon #Bookwyrm #BooksofMastodon #fantasy
I’m getting my annoying ASD son to read me Hatchet by Gary Paulsen for some book quiz at school. Just finished chapter 3 and was he getting into it. I am trying hard not to read ahead of him. Excellent book. #booksodon
“Whenever you start doubting yourself, whenever you feel afraid, just remember. Courage is the root of change and change is what we're chemically designed to do.” — Bonnie Garmus, Lessons in Chemistry
This book was recommended in the Booksodon category here on Mastodon. The book was an interesting character study of a scientifically minded woman struggling with prejudice in the late fifties and early sixties. It’s a good read.
#quotes #booksodon #reading #books
“Fear doesn't help us achieve a state of grace; it deafens the heart.” ― Tamsyn Muir, Nona the Ninth
Another outstanding book in this series. Love the cover illustration too. October 2023 for the fourth book, Alecto the Ninth? Looking forward to it.
#quotes #Booksodon #reading #books #TamsynMuir #fantasy #LockedTomb #TommyArnold #illustration
#quotes #booksodon #reading #books #tamsynmuir #fantasy #LockedTomb #tommyarnold #illustration
“What good is a coherent narrative if people don’t want to hear it? Because trauma won’t leave you alone until you feel safe, and safety is not something that an individual can summon on their own. Safety is not a gun. Safety is being able to trust that those around you WANT to protect you from harm.” ― Hannah Gadsby, Ten Steps to Nanette: A Memoir Situation
Highly recommend.
Also watched Hannah’s 3 shows on Netflix. Also, highly recommend.
“But when she was scared, she was a child again, and she was more scared of being a child again than anything else in her life.” — Tamsyn Muir, Harrow the Ninth (The Locked Tomb, #2)
Just finished the second book in this series, loved it. Moving on to the third book.
I love the cover art by Tommy Arnold, so cool.
#quotes #Booksodon #reading #books #TamsynMuir #fantasy #LockedTomb #TommyArnold #illustration
#quotes #booksodon #reading #books #tamsynmuir #fantasy #LockedTomb #tommyarnold #illustration
Reading two books right now.
1 - Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
“When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?”
I’ll be reading this one for a while, they liked their novels long in the 1600s.
2 - Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
“I need you to trust me.”
“I need you to be trustworthy.”
Wasn’t sure about a necromancy book, but I really like it.
#quotes #Booksodon #reading #books #DonQuixote #TamsynMuir #fantasy #classics
#quotes #booksodon #reading #books #donquixote #tamsynmuir #fantasy #classics
List of new Sci-Fi/Fantasy books 2023
I wonder which one I should choose first 🤔
#booksodon #reading #scifi #fantasy #books #goodreads
#booksodon I seldom read a book twice, there are so many to read and such a short lifetime! But I ran into City Of Thieves and remember I had loved it, but needed a refresher. David Benioff is a wonderful writer, and here he has put together a chilling and also heartwarming story that was better the 2nd time around. It is truly worth a 2nd look.
“I asked if he wanted to watch the news. He shook his head. “Put it on if you want, but I rarely bother. The names change but the bullshit never does.” ― Stephen King, Fairy Tale
“Early in the Pandemic, King asked himself: ‘What could you write that would make you happy?’”
#quotes #booksodon #reading #fairytale #stephenking #books
“Lost in the solitude of his immense power, he began to lose direction.” — Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude
Called Magic Realism. Created some truly disturbing images.
Fourth literary classic on this list:
#quotes #LiteraryClassics #Booksodon #reading #OneHundredYearsOfSolitude #GabrielGarciaMarquez
#quotes #literaryclassics #booksodon #reading #onehundredyearsofsolitude #gabrielgarciamarquez
Greetings Mastodon Fantasy Book Lovers!
The story begins…
RIVER’S ROAR—the first Mage Era prequel to the Woodspell Series—will be live on all major eBook vendors the first week in May. I will edit this pinned post with the Universal Link when I have it.
In the meantime, it is available NOW to Buy Direct from my website:
The full blurb is there.
Have a great weekend!
#Booksodon #Bookstodon #FantasyBook #BooksOfMastodon #BookBirthday #SFF #Debut #Reading
#reading #debut #sff #bookbirthday #BooksofMastodon #fantasybook #bookstodon #booksodon
“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
Lessoned learned: Don’t make a person into a symbol for success.
The third book on this list:
#quotes #LiteraryClassics #Booksodon #reading #TheGreatGatsby #FScottFitzgerald
#quotes #literaryclassics #booksodon #reading #thegreatgatsby #fscottfitzgerald
“As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it - whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash.” — Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
Never read this before, glad I did.
This was the second book on this list:
#booksodon #reading #quotes #literaryclassics #harperlee
Anyone interested in a #Silo #bookclub before the show comes out this summer? Things might be brewing for My Writing Community. #booksodon
“I think...if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.” — Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
So many minds and so many thoughts, even a dog’s confusion is written out in this book. Definitely describes the thinking and so much of the feelings of people in this place and time.
This literary classic was the first book on the following list:
#booksodon #reading #quotes #literaryclassics #LeoTolstoy
I also just learned that Modelland did have a ghostwriter. Props to the guy for matching Tyra Banks' writer voice, but I feel cheated now. Like a kid being told that Santa isn't real. #Books #Booksodon #Modelland