People on the Spine | #bookstack #bookchallenge #booktag #SundayStack
Yes it's another of those fab challenges I've been set by Joanna over on Instagram. In this one, I was challenged to find books which have people on the spine so here's a selection I found. You can see Joanna's choices here: Over The Rainbow Blog The First Time I Saw You by Emma Cooper The Monogram Murders by Sophie Hannah…
#sundaystack #booktag #bookchallenge #bookstack
Burning my brain trying to understand #Docker to run my own private instance of #BookStack and about half the time Terminal tells me I did it and the other half Terminal tells me I don’t belong here, go away. I really don’t need to do this, I just want to see if I can. I can’t. 😩 #SelfHosting
#docker #bookstack #selfhosting
Das selfhosted-Wiki-System @bookstack sieht auch sehr interessant aus - vielleicht mein nächstes Projekt für den Raspberry Pi ...
#kudos to @yunohost for providing me an easy home server solution that is running flawlessly since a year on a #RaspberryPI and to the #YunoHost forums community: I had two minor issues with #paperlessNgx and @bookstack and I managed to solve them in less than 10 minutes. Also, I had to say that #BookStack looks very well crafted and may save my "work life" soon. These three projects I mentioned above deserve our contribution! 💗
#kudos #raspberrypi #yunohost #paperlessngx #bookstack
Book Challenge: Love in the title 💗 | #booktag #bookchallenge #bookstack
Joanna tagged me on Instagram way back at the beginning of the month to take part in a challenge to find books with love in the title. You can see her post here: JojosOverTheRainbowBlog. It's festival month here in Edinburgh so I've been quite busy and only got around to it now. I read loads of romantic fiction so thought it would be easy but actually, it seems very few romance novels have…
#bookstack #bookchallenge #booktag
Kim Stanley Robinson: Red Mars
I know: late to the party. But it is pretty great. Looking forward to the next one.
#kimstanleyrobinson #redmars #scifi #bookstack
@Yahiko je cherchais aussi à un moment et c'est #bookstack qui gagne chez moi 😊 j'ai pas encore trop poussé de page
Par conte je crois qu'il faut une bdd avec
Autrement j'avais testé #mdbook
C'est pas mal, codé en rust. C'est équivalent à #mkdocs
Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future
The first chapter should be required reading for everyone.
#ClimateCrisis #KimStanleyRobinson #TheMinistryForTheFuture #BookStack
#climatecrisis #kimstanleyrobinson #theministryforthefuture #bookstack
I used to use a #BookStack instance, but the fact that is was "pseudo"-versioned and all the writing happened in the browser was kind of annoying.
Ann Leckie: Ancillary Justice
I tried reading it when it first came out and bounced of hard. 10 years later I finally finished and very much enjoyed it in the end. Modern space opera at its best 🚀🪐
#annleckie #ancillaryjustice #scifi #spaceopera #bookstack
TL;DR: I need some advice on wikis!
As some of you know, I run the Psion Documentation Project ( It currently runs #BookStack, which is OK but I don't love. It's also pretty stagnant at the moment, even though my Last #Psion Obsidian is rammed with info.
Basically, what wiki is good for a vintage platform project?
Alternatively, if you are a regular user of a retro #wiki, which one is it and why do you like it?
#gollum #mediawiki #wikijs #oldtech #retrocomputing #wiki #psion #bookstack
Cormac McCarthy: The Passenger
#bookstack #cormacmccarthy #thepassenger #stellamaris
Picked up a nice stack of #books at Powell’s today #BookStack #Haiku #Poetry #Zhuangzu
#books #bookstack #haiku #poetry #zhuangzu
#bitwarden #plex #shellngn #bookstack #mattermost #matomo #ghost #sonarr #radarr
Dev Debrief #1: An Interview With the Developer of #Bookstack
#bookstack est super sympa pour faire un wiki, mais j’aimerais pouvoir le synchroniser via #git avec ma base #obsidian. J’ai essayé Wiki.js mais je vais être honnête : ce CMS n’est pas fini et la synchronisation Git ne fonctionne même pas correctement.
#xwiki a un plugin Git et me semble être le meilleur compromis, mais il est un peu vieillot à mon goût, de même pour #tiddlywiki et #dokuwiki.
Je vais devoir prototyper un CMS pour obtenir ce qui me convient. 😅
#bookstack #git #obsidian #xwiki #tiddlywiki #dokuwiki
Je vais essayer d’utiliser la #webapp #bookstack dans mon serveur perso, des conseils ou avis?