I tell everyone I know that author mailing lists are amazing things. I tell my colleagues, sometimes the author sends you an ebook, or a snippet from their latest work, or some interesting news. My colleagues, other than Friend Kate, are not readers and so are not as excited as me. I tell Himself, you get news from the author. He says, most of the authors I read are dead.
So, Internet people, author newsletters are Good Things! Go sign up! #Bookstoden
#Bookstoden #books #socialism What are the best books on socialism? i am beginning with G. A. Cohen's short _Why not socialism?_
Wooo! 700 days of reading :) to be honest, it really is longer than that as this only displays stuff read on my kindle, and doesn't count for example actual books. Sooo ideas of how to celebrate, or shall I wait another 300 days before proper celebrations? #Bookstoden
Sometimes you've got to weigh history in the balance. Revisionism not. The perception of overall value changes. Though some may have suffered...and questions still exist
#crime #histodon #Bookstoden #digitalbooks https://zodiackmak.com/2022/08/24/zodiac-killer-solved-a-review-of-ray-grants-recent-kindle-book/
#crime #histodon #bookstoden #digitalbooks
Ooooh, maybe I should buy myself something nice when I hit 700 days... maybe I don't know, a book perhaps! (That is a screenshot from my phone's kindle app Reading Insight section) #Bookstoden
If, after reading a book, you are scorched with emotion, exhausted to the core, but wondering why the characters failed so spectacularly, then the author has done their job.
Books are mirrors of the human condition, reflections of past failings, and maps to doing better.
My personal favourite of all time is surprisingly not a horror. It is Catch22!
#Bookstoden #booksrock #Booksie #EqualRights4All #Democracy #inclusion #lifehack #Bookbans #BookBanning #literary #News
#bookstoden #booksrock #booksie #equalrights4all #democracy #inclusion #lifehack #Bookbans #bookbanning #literary #news
We need to get #StevenKing to migrate to #Mastodon. He'd really love it here. He'd fit right in. A bunch of his #books were recently #banned.
#BannedBookClub #Bookstoden
#stevenking #mastodon #books #banned #bannedbookclub #bookstoden
Oooh, the new storybundle theme is Magical Schools so if you are looking for an alternative to stuff written by whatsherface, here are some good possibilities (please note most of these are new to me too) : https://storybundle.com/magic #Bookstoden
#TrekTuesday I actually have something to share for Trek Tuesday. This awesome #book I scored from my favorite online shop. Thriftbooks.Com
It's a very teckytrek read. 🖖🏻
#trektuesday #book #bookstoden
So I've started #reading the books of #Redwall in chronologically order, instead of by order of publication. The first , #book is called Lord Brocktree. I honestly couldn't be more entertained. It starts by following two main stories simultaneously. One dark and foreboding the other light hearted and hilarious. I can't put it down. #booksofmastodon #Bookstoden #read #fantasy #adventure
#reading #redwall #book #booksofmastodon #bookstoden #read #fantasy #adventure
Half way through my parenting Sci fi book of short stories, and it is really good! Short stories are suiting me at the moment (and moreover to follow as work goes most odd for the next 4 weeks, my boss is off for surgery, and the whole branch I am based at is moving to a new building, so it is all unprecedented, and short stories are good). #Bookstoden
North Country is a really good book from #Saraband to dip into and then get engrossed in. Mix of old but mainly new writing. Loved the range of poetry, journalism, snatches of novels, history & other non-fiction. #Bookstoden #books #writing
#saraband #bookstoden #books #writing
Last day of holiday before returning to the office tomorrow. Making proper use of my new tablet holder to read and knit. It is most awesome! #Knitting #Bookstoden @knitting