Have you ever started a book, and known almost instantly that at some point it's going to make you cry?
I've just had that with On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous, borrowed as Audiobook through the library. Ocean Vuong's voice is so full with emotion that I knew it right away.
#reading #bookstoson #readingcommunity #audiobook #currentlyreading @bookstodon
#reading #bookstoson #readingcommunity #audiobook #currentlyreading
Fascinating story about learning to understand other minds 🐙 and our own, in a dystopian future where AI and AI developing companies drive society
"(..) I want to help my readers imagine how we might speak across an almost unbridgeable gap of differences, and end forever the loneliness of our species - and our own loneliness. Dr Ha Nguyen, How Oceans Think"
#booksofmastodon #goodreads #bookstoson #newreleases
I have a few days off and need a few #books to #read prefer #IndieBook if possible. Any recommendations #bookstoson
#books #read #IndieBook #bookstoson
We've been doing some holiday reading ranging from fun, light-hearted fiction to more heavy stuff that you might not count as 'leisure' reading but are worthwhile reads to spend your holiday free time with.
Keep reading for our holiday reading recs. 👇
#bookstoson #books #bookstack #bookstagram #fiction #nonfiction #fantasybooks #fantasyauthors #christmas #holidays #holidaybooks
#bookstoson #books #bookstack #bookstagram #fiction #nonfiction #fantasybooks #fantasyauthors #christmas #holidays #holidaybooks
J'ai reçu encore un livre sur le #poison parce que oui, j'en ai une belle collection, j'adore ça les poisons. #histodon #bookstoson
Hoy se publica en @unlibroaldia@twitter.com mi reseña de "Puntos de vista de una mujer", la recopilación de los artículos publicados por Carmen Laforet en la revista destino (editados por Ana Cabello y Blanca Ripoll, con un prólogo de @imartinrodrigo@twitter.com). #booktodon #bookstoson