Just a reminder that reviews and ratings help books rise in visibility on platforms like Kindle-- so, if you've read Confluence: A Person-Shaped Story, please drop it a review at https://www.amazon.com/Confluence-Person-Shaped-Story-Nyri-Bakkalian-ebook/dp/B0BLB74XDD or wherever else you prefer! #Confluence #Booktide #SapphicBooks
#sapphicbooks #booktide #confluence
As of 1 January, I am the new Managing Director of Balance of Seven Press, so here are a few words of introduction in the meanwhile.
I look forward to serving. We will rise together. https://riverside-wings.com/2022/12/28/bearing-the-most-and-bowing-the-lowest/ #SapphicBooks #Booktide
Hey, did you read "Confluence: A Person-Shaped Story" on Kindle? Consider leaving a review to help my work rise in visibility! https://www.amazon.com/Confluence-Person-Shaped-Story-Nyri-Bakkalian-ebook/dp/B0BLB74XDD #SapphicBooks #Booktide #Confluence #NorthStarForever
#NorthStarForever #confluence #booktide #sapphicbooks
THANK YOU to Pittsburgh's own White Whale Bookstore, which has not just *my* books on its shelves but also the entire catalogue of Balance of Seven Press! If you're in Western PA, consider ordering through them: https://whitewhalebookstore.com #Booktide #SapphicBooks #Confluence #GreyDawn
#GreyDawn #confluence #sapphicbooks #booktide
THANK YOU to Pittsburgh's own White Whale Bookstore, which has not just *my* books on its shelves but also the entire catalogue of Balance of Seven Press! If you're in Western PA, consider ordering through them: https://whitewhalebookstore.com #Booktide #SapphicBooks #Confluence #GreyDawn
#GreyDawn #confluence #sapphicbooks #booktide
TIL a small bookstore in Oyster Bay, NY, run by a former congressman is selling my new novel. Thank you, Congressman Israel and Theodore's Books!
Fun fact, my book is the 2nd being sold by the bookstore which is set in Tohoku, the other one being Isaka Kōtarō's "Bullet Train." #Booktide #ShopSmall #Confluence
#confluence #shopsmall #booktide
TIL a small bookstore in Oyster Bay, NY, run by a former congressman is selling my new novel. Thank you, Congressman Israel and Theodore's Books!
Fun fact, my book is the 2nd being sold by the bookstore which is set in Tohoku, the other one being Isaka Kōtarō's "Bullet Train." #Booktide #ShopSmall #Confluence
#confluence #shopsmall #booktide
My new novel Confluence is just the beginning of a series! If you're looking for more stories from River and Kasu's world, check out "Hatsumōde," in Queer for the New Year, an anthology edited by @leootherland It catches up with River and Kasu making New Year's visits to each other's home shrines in Sendai and Shiogama, and looking ahead to a new chapter in their lives together as both Wielder and blade as well as wife and wife. #SapphicBooks #Booktide
My new novel Confluence is just the beginning of a series! If you're looking for more stories from River and Kasu's world, check out "Hatsumōde," in Queer for the New Year, an anthology edited by @leootherland It catches up with River and Kasu making New Year's visits to each other's home shrines in Sendai and Shiogama, and looking ahead to a new chapter in their lives together as both Wielder and blade as well as wife and wife. #SapphicBooks #Booktide
Please tell everyone in your life about #Booktide! It's the most joyful positive thing — people get awesome books, neighborhoods get to keep their bookstores and stay vibrant.