My 2022 Reading Wrap-Up from @thestorygraph is here! Love to see the different genres that I read last year and the other great stats that go with it. Clearly, I can see how my work affected my reading 😂. But from now on, I will be posting reading updates on #StoryGraph instead of #Goodreads , if you want to see regular reading updates, follow me on Story Graph.
Username: tabby2920
#storygraphstats #BookMastodon #readingstats #bookwrapup #booklover #bookworms
#StoryGraph #goodreads #storygraphstats #BookMastodon #readingstats #bookwrapup #booklover #bookworms
Here are all the amazing books I got through last month. The colour coordination of the books has made me laugh as it was totally unintentional 😂 my subconscious obvs thought I needed autumnal spines!
#novemberreads #bookrecs #bookstack #bookwrapup #BookToot #bookblogger #bookstack
#novemberreads #bookrecs #bookstack #bookwrapup #BookToot #bookblogger