Hey, @bookwyrm, is there a way to delete all my books? I did a GR import and a lot went wrong, so I would like to restart and import smaller sections at a time,that I can properly edit. I would also be OK if you do it in the database. Serpina@bookworm.social is my handle.
Or if someone else uses it and can point me where I can do it. @bookstodon #bookwyrmhelp
@tomate Hi Jascha, darf ich dich was zu Bookwyrm fragen?
1. Haben die Bewertungen eine Lebenszeit über die Instanz hinaus? Können Sie exportiert und anderswo importiert werden?
2. Gibt es eine instanz-übergreifende Suche, oder ist das System wie Mastodon strikt lokal bzw. follow-basiert? Also: könnte ich nach einem Buchtitel oder einer Autorin suchen und finde alles, was auf verschiedenen Instanzen dazu kommentiert wurde (solange die Instanzen föderieren)? #bookwyrm #bookwyrmhelp
Hi Jascha, darf ich dich was zu Bookwyrm fragen?
1. Haben die Bewertungen eine Lebenszeit über die Instanz hinaus? Können Sie exportiert und anderswo importiert werden?
2. Gibt es eine instanz-übergreifende Suche, oder ist das System wie Mastodon strikt lokal bzw. follow-basiert? Also: könnte ich nach einem Buchtitel oder einer Autorin suchen und finde alles, was auf verschiedenen Instanzen dazu kommentiert wurde (solange die Instanzen föderieren)? #bookwyrm #bookwyrmhelp
I'm having trouble connecting my Mastodon account to my #Bookwyrm account? I thought my accounts were following each other, but I checked again just now and it actually says that I've done a "follow request", even though neither of my accounts require me to manually approve followers??? and of course I can't see such a request in either server to approve ... I just want to post reviews of books and share them here 😭
#bookwyrm #bookwyrmhelp #mastodonhelp
#Bookwyrm is still having issues yet...
I think I should consider another option, should be free speech, private, safe, etc. As long as I stay away of Big Tech.
Can anyone tell me which one?
#Bookwyrm #bookwyrmhelp #fediverse #mastodonreaders
Est-ce qu'il y a une instance #BookWyrm francophone ? Je n'en vois pas sur https://joinbookwyrm.com/instances/
#Bookwyrm #francophonie #litterature #livres #bookwyrmhelp
I don't see a way to search my own books. Am I missing something?
Is there any way to show more than 15 books in any given list? Usually an interface will have some option to set how many items in a list will show. 15 seems kind of skimpy. I'm just wondering if I'm missing something.
(1/2) #BookWyrmHelp #BookWyrm #MastodonHelp
I'm trying to follow my BookWyrm account from my Mastodon account.
In Mastodon, I put the BookWyrm user url into search to find the profile. I then click follow. The follow button turns into "Following." When I refresh the page, on the user profile section, the "Following" button has changed to "Withdraw f…"
You can see in the attached screen shot from my BookWyrm settings that I do not have manually approved ticked.
#bookwyrmhelp #bookwyrm #mastodonhelp
I'm trying, I really am - but bookwyrm cost me 3.2 years lifespan and a new strand of grey hair.
I love , that we are able to find books in a Charles-free environment, but how tf am I supposed to add books to my "to read" or "currently reading" list? TikTok and Taylor Swift taught me "It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me" - so has someone out there the solution 😳 🙏🏼
#Bookwyrm #bookwyrmhelp #bookrastinating
#bookrastinating #bookwyrmhelp #Bookwyrm
Does anyone know whether bookywrm reviews can be formatted? Can I use code for italics, bold, and quotes?
Is there a way to make certain books private? That they wouldn't show up to other people but would still be in your library?
@bookwyrm @bookrastinating
So, what you see in the screenshot popped up in my books feed, I think because I'm also reading.
Let's say I wanted to start a convo with this user asking what they thought about X.
Is there actually any way to do that? I don't find anything clickable in the notice that would take me anywhere to have a discussion about this book.
Am I missing something? Or is this just not what BookWyrm is about?
Two questions…
Are reviews not federated?
How do you read a review?
Here I can see this book has one review:
But here it has zero:
But nowhere on either page can I see a way to read a review.
What is the best app on android for using BookWyrm?
#mastodon #BookWyrm #BookWyrmHelp
I have successfully followed my BookWyrm account from my M account. I see that when I add a new book to read it appears as a post in my M feed. When I add a book with a comment, it appears in that post in my M feed. However, hashtags don't seem to work, meaning, it's there, but it's not a link like hashtags would be in a M post.
Is there something special that needs to be done?
#Mastodon #bookwyrm #bookwyrmhelp