Schnüssgardine, Maultäschle, Snutenpulli, Fratzenschlüpper. Alles noch niemals in meinem Leben gehört. Und ich bin ehrlich: Ich würde die sozialen Beziehungen zu Menschen überdenken, die das benutzen 🙈🤣 #Maske #Boomerhumor
Un saluto da...
#adoroilgenio #19giugno #cartoline #Palestrina #palestra #fitness #gym #dadsjoke #giochidiparole #boomer #boomerhumor #wishyouwerehere
#adoroilgenio #19giugno #cartoline #Palestrina #palestra #fitness #gym #dadsjoke #GiochiDiParole #boomer #boomerhumor #WishYouWereHere
Grassy knoll conspiracy theory #213...
Skydiver killed by a grassy knoll.
(Shoot didn't open.)
#conspiracyTheory #Kennedy #homonyms #puns #weird #joke #boomerHumor
#kennedy #homonyms #conspiracytheory #puns #weird #joke #boomerhumor
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Boomers #Jokestodon #BoomerHumour
#boomerhumor #hootintootintuesday #Mastodon #Humor #humour #funnymeme #boomers #jokestodon #boomerhumour
@parpok daj spokój. Zrobiłeś więcej, niż było w tym tygodniu ruchu na GG :P
#boomerhumor #gadugaduwieczniezywe
It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon .
#Humor #Humour #Jokes #Jokestodon
#DukesOfHazard #RetroTV #Nostalgia
#BoomerHumor #Boomer #Boomers #BoomersOfMastodon #BoomerMemes
#hootintootintuesday #mastodon #humor #humour #jokes #jokestodon #dukesofhazard #retrotv #nostalgia #boomerhumor #boomer #boomers #boomersofmastodon #boomermemes