Marky Zuccy: "The News Feed Algorithm™️ is sooooo great! It provides tailored content that is extremely relevant for you! You'll love it! Now gimmie your data."
The aLgOriThM: "Here's some unfunny demented boomer bullshit with borderline right-wing Wutbürger agitation and ultranationalistic US indoctrination."
#facebook #meta #algorithm #boomerhumour
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Boomers #Jokestodon #BoomerHumour
#boomerhumor #hootintootintuesday #Mastodon #Humor #humour #funnymeme #boomers #jokestodon #boomerhumour
@zdfmagazin Immer die ÖR. Da hat sich wohl wieder der Fehlerteufel 😈 eingeschlichen. Es sollte statt ELITE sicherlich RESTERAMPE heißen. Passiert. 🙄 Und man muss auch nicht so brüllen. #boomerhumour