@threetails @douglasvb @GreenFire @fuchsiii @notjustbikes the only "demographical shift" I notice is that rich #boomers buy these shitcars because they can't be bothered to get down to enter a #car...
Literally saying "It's easy to get in and out" to justify buying a Tiguan over a Passat Variant...
#Asimov was wrong, #Lem was wrong. All the #ScienceFiction authors of the 20th century claimed, humanity would build a #sentient #humanoid #android.
That's not how this will unfold. Humanity will first build a sentient #autonomous #car.
#Boomers don't want companions, they want wombs. Wombs on wheels if you will.
Think of #AI as Auto Intelligence. This even works in German: #KI is KraftfahrzeugIntelligenz. 😜
#ai #android #autonomous #ki #asimov #sciencefiction #boomers #lem #sentient #humanoid #car
@auscandoc @fifilamoura @gorskon ^^What they said!
Age is a spectrum and only one aspect of a person. Generational groupings can make fun cultural memes but it seems to me their utility maxed out in describing #hippies vs #theestablishment.
I just made it into #GenX but identify with #boomers on some topics, #millennials on others.
Have never seen “River’s Edge” but am now interested in giving it a watch - thanks!
#hippies #theestablishment #genx #boomers #millennials
It’s kind of cute to watch people around my age carefully parsing the differences between early, middle, and late #GenerationX while talking about #Boomers and #Millennials as undifferentiated masses. And by cute, I mean in the same way as, say, a baby slug.
Human biological #generations are around twenty-five years. Cultural generations are more like five years, ten at most. #Strauss & #Howe have a lot to answer for.
#boomers #generationx #millennials #generations #strauss #howe
I'm boomer-adjacent. The singer Tom Jones I always discounted as my mother's music. He was how I saw Neil Diamond, too-- as a jumped up lounge singer trying to bridge the Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammie Davis, Jr. era to Rock and Roll. This video proves I was a blinded by prejudice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIDzA0YDso8 #CSNY #TomJones #CrosbyStillsNashAndYoung #Boomers #ClassicRock
#csny #tomjones #crosbystillsnashandyoung #boomers #classicrock
https://www.lovenba.com/1139766/ Andrew Gaze: Xavier Cooks emerging as Boomers’ Rodman & how to contain Doncic? | 2023 FIBA World Cup #australia #Boomers #DallasMavericks #ESPN #fiba #FIBAWorldCup #Japan #LukaDoncic #NBA #slovenia #SouthwestDivision #WesternConference #XavierCooks
#australia #boomers #dallasmavericks #espn #fiba #fibaworldcup #japan #lukadoncic #nba #slovenia #southwestdivision #westernconference #xaviercooks
#GenZ : I hope the environment doesn’t collapse in the next few years
#Millenials : I hope democracy doesn’t collapse in the next few years
#GenX : I hope Social Security doesn’t collapse in the next few years
#Boomers : I wish trans people didn’t exist
(Sorry Boomers. It’s a joke. Go play some golf or something.)
#boomers #genx #millenials #genz
I'm bewildered by all the condescending and hostile anti-boomer posts on this platform. Where are these #boomers who are internet-averse, reject therapy, don't care about their kids' futures, made the world worse in every way, and always had it easy financially? Not the majority and such a simplistic world view that doesn't take socioeconomic and political dynamics over time into account. I don't blame younger generation for increase in gun violence, for instance; it's more complicated.
Reconnecting with old friends doesn't always work. Some of them haven't had a new idea or learned anything or tried something new in decades.
Why do they want to tell me about their medical problems or their boring travel on cruise ships? So self-centred. It's like nothing else is happening in the world.
I crave novelty. A bit of reminiscing over old times, sure. But they seem to have no new times. #old #boomers
It used to boggle my mind how #boomers were mostly socially #liberal in the 60s but mostly socially #conservative today.
Then I read complaints by #BillMaher and totally get it now.
He doesn't get how people on the internet consider him conservative when his views haven't changed.
If your views towards #SocialJustice haven't changed since the 1990s, there is a good chance you are now a social conservative.
Bill Maher is #anti #muslim and #AntiTrans - so the label definitely fits.
#boomers #liberal #conservative #billmaher #SocialJustice #anti #muslim #antitrans
Do “Boomers” live in your imagination as though they are still in their mid-30-40’s, just hanging out, being cooler than cool?
One of the original, original hippies from the early Haight-Ashbury days — the rock & roll, pot-smoking, long-haired, change the world, Age of Aquarius, wear flowers in your hair love children - turns 77 today. 77!
He has been stoned since 1965. He’s lived off welfare most of his life (God only knows how many gov’t “retraining programs” he’s been through), found his version of Jesus in the 1980’s, and finally left SF for Wyoming a few years ago to live off his brother and learn about conspiracy theories.
He now rejects the Apollo moon landings (“Where’s the real proof, Cyn?”) and denounces all of politics & capitalism except that which sends him welfare bucks.
We finally parted company three years ago when he joined the league of flat-Earthers. A girl can only take so much.
Happy Birthday, Robert, you nutcase. 😵💫🎂
@QasimRashid For perspective, these are Asian and Native #Boomers, and Black and Latino #GenX.
The times, not the voters. The voters were Silent Generation and Boomers. Many of these folks and still alive and active.
@oliphant after all, #Boomers #ConsumeHappy themselves for decades amd literally #YOLO away the world in their #SuperUselessVehicles...
#boomers #SuperUselessVehicles #yolo #consumehappy